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2/25/2004 8:13 AM


The path forward: Two possibilities

Some general systems theory

One: InOrb Farming

Two: BCNGroup Communities Bead Game


Return to the founding agrarian spirit of America



Some general systems theory


Today one walks down a new path, leaving the old somewhat familiar and somewhat comfortable path behind. 


I reflect on the forces that we have mapped as we try to understand what a path is, and how the journey one takes in life becomes constrained. 


This is a question taken seriously by the cybernetics scientists Victor Finn and Dmitri Pospelov and the school of thought regarding control of natural systems whose complexity is not as yet understood by any formalism, such as Hilbert mathematics.


Other scientists, in the West, have also taken the question seriously.  The history and elegant, but difficult, work on “anticipatory systems” of Robert Rosen comes to mind.


The work of the beadmaster also comes to mind, and our attempts to create a National Project that establishes the knowledge sciences as an academic discipline.  The development of appreciative social fields seemed to be a proper way to organize and plan the proposal our Founders have set in their minds.  These exercises lead us to the work on a Python/Linux Knowledge Technology Toolkit for Kids (K-12) and to the bead game on “Python 3”.  Wonderful concepts developed, some collaboration between leading thinkers in the Open Source software community was established.  We saw a willingness to move forward and a path on which to move forward was established, and then came the period of waiting - always this period of waiting for minimal funding. 


An appreciative social field is not enough, unless the economic foundation is established within a short period of time.   The waiting is part of the constraints that separates those who are the creative leaders from what is left after they are removed.  There is no malice intended by either the people involved or by some sort of systemic force, some call these forces by the term “meme”.


One: InOrb Farming


The Investment Templates for dataRenewal Inc and InOrb Technologies LLP were developed to express the notational system on In Memory Ontology Referential Bases.  Orbs are encoded as I-RIBs, and I-RIBs are a schema-independent means to encode the basic construction to which all databases and human “knowledge representational” computer technologies can be reduced.  This structure is the ordered triple:


< a , r, b >


where a and b are locations in information space and r is a relational operator.


We bracket the phrase “knowledge representational” to remind the reader that our position is that the academic work in the area of “Artificial Intelligence” is mythology whose continuing presence in science is caused only by the deep and continuing massive funding of this school of thought by government funding institutions (NSF, DARPA, NIST and CIA).   The alternative school of thought is not funded and is in fact ridiculed by those whose careers have depended on AI related funding. 


The alternative school of thought is called Human Information Processing (HIP). 


The core principle to HIP is that living systems act and perceive in the natural world through hierarchical and embedded action perceptions cycles.  For example; at the quantum level of physical organization, photons entering the retina cause local field constraint variations that manifest in energy levels within the electromagnetic spectrum sampled by the dendrites of visual system interneurons. [*]  These localized field variations are then “perceived” by the neuronal system and a measurement of that field is made.  The measurement hits the electromagnetic field in the retina and suddenly (quantally) shifts local redopsin conformations while at the same time imparting a neuro-wave to the measuring neuronal system.  The consequences of neuron measurement of electromagnetic fields in the retina cascade and quickly, very quickly, result in orienting action by the entire living system. 


This type of phenomenon is, at core, the basis for what we regard as intelligence.  HIP technology has been developed and is defined in the Orb notational paper.  Various software implementations have been developed and we await investment to bring these implementations together in support of broad high resolution, high fidelity measurement of patent disclosures, social discourse and cyber events.


Also see bead.


We strongly conjecture that the paradigm in US intelligence that separates measurement from action institutionally is the cause of the systemic and deep failure of intelligence to measure reality in more than a superficial fashion.  We suggest that not only is this institutional separation problematic for political reasons having to do with citizen trust, but that software industry and management consultants has used the confusion that exists due to the AI mythology to avoid funding HIP software systems.  The deficit in intelligence vetting capability is sever. 


InOrb farming is suggested in the foundational paper on the application of generalFramework (gF) theory to aquiculture. 


InOrb farming is the application of HIP technology to micro-farms based on closed ecosystem principles.  To this point we will say more in the next bead. 



Two: BCNGroup Communities Bead Game


The BCNGroup Communities Bead Game is based on the concept that social discourse has structure and this structure can be visualized using the SLIP browsers.


The original InOrb Technologies Investment Template was developed to complete a software suite that would compute a new Orb each hour and make the Upper Taxonomy of this Orb available for retrieval into the sentence structures of the current bead games.