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5/7/2004 2:05 PM


Anticipatory Web


Research paper by Derek Gather -> .


Short PowerPoint on Building Anticipatory Technology ->  .



Invitation to participate

The technology infrastructure

In summary













An invitation to participate


Many individuals make substantial intellectual contributions to me, and as a consequence to the planning for the National Project.  The planning process has been occurring since 1992.  The relationship between those who have discussed this Project is still informal.  The intersection between behavioral science, computational science and neuroscience has not been canonized into a single discipline. 


In order for anticipatory technology to be understood, the Nation needs a few university positions, and perhaps a few chairs in key universities.  These universities are to be primarily teaching universities, since the issue of intellectual elitism should be addressed directly.  We also need funding that is sufficient to demonstrate what the principles of anticipatory technology are.  The BCNGroup will ask for a line item in the Congressman budget of $60,000,000, for the National Project.  We have been planning how to make this request and getting the elements of the plan in place for a decade. 


The Behavioral, Computational Neuroscience Group (BCNGroup) members are scholars who have little interest in intellectual property ownership issues, other than proper scholarly attribution.  Of course, we would like to make a living and most of us struggle with this – due to our commitment to a new way of thinking about computers and due to specific cultural barriers.  Those whom are inclined to make contributions to a new science have to struggle with the stove piping that exists in all aspects of academic, governance and business systems. 


I must say that I do not speak for other individuals.  I recognize in certain specific work what I regard are some of the essential elements of the required K-12 and college curriculum.  I am honored when a scholar that I have included sends communications into the BCNGroup community glass bead games.  But at this point, it is I who bear all of the load and responsibility. 


In consultation with others, a body of work has been outlined.  We are waiting on those minimal resources that are required to take the next step towards the National Project. 


We invite you to participate within a conversation about what the knowledge sciences might be and how to define a K-12 plus college curriculum that introduces our citizens to the understanding to be derived from mathematics, computer science and the natural sciences. 


The technology infrastructure


The National Project is designed to establish the knowledge sciences as an academic discipline. 


Without a K-12 curriculum, the population will not understand the anticipatory technology that is now being developed for use by business and government.  The curriculum has to be established so that children in rural America and children in urban America develop a perception about how memory and anticipation work together to create just-in-time models of some situation, such as a financial transaction or a visit to the medical doctor. 


In the current business/intelligence deployments, anticipatory technology is only partially achieved or achieved poorly.  As incomplete and poorly understood technology is applied by business they will come to “know” the customer in ways that the customer cannot understand, may often be incorrect, and will lead to resentment.  The result of incomplete and poorly understood technology can be fear and lost of control over individual privacy. 


Medical science has an even great need and a greater reward if anticipatory technology is developed completely and the population has the educational grounding to understand both the anticipatory science and the specifics associated to their individual profiles. 


In addition to discussions about the proposed curriculum, we talk with various technologists who are defining a set of protocols and encoding structures that create a quantum step in data management systems. 


Discussions are occurring within the government community regarding an "ultra stable, provably secure” distributed computing environment.  Our feeling is that a new type of software infrastructure is a key to the future success of the National Project. 


1)       Ultra-stable, provably secure computing environments are to be developed for reasons of National Security. 

2)       The same architecture is also what one needs to ground long term rural economic development.  {return to the Jeffersonian ideal of Agrarian Society}

3)       The extension of the Rural American Safe Net to general purpose anticipatory systems for distance learning and for medical information systems

4)       The use of the Safe Net wireless backbone to extend to the “last mile” anticipatory information systems.

5)       The development of the anticipatory Web commerce systems, such as is being discussed as a Virtual Art Museum System


Several individuals have worked out the technical details required for this type of ultra-stable provably secure computing environment.


The Rural "American" Safe Net would be a politically interesting application of such a system, if it were to exist. 


Orbs built on I-RIBs could be a "USPS light" and the complete foundation for the Knowledge Sharing Foundation concept, as could the Pile System, an encoding and operational system (planned), or CoreTalk. 


One could build an USPS based on a hash table management system.  However, the design principles should parallel empirically established principles mapped to behavioral aspects of human attentional mechanisms and cognitive processing.  For example, in your paperContextualization Concepts using a Mathematical Generalization of the Quantum Formalism”, Gabora and Aerts (2002), you speak about principles found by experimental science to be reflected in a differential activation of the depth of associative hierarchies. 


The differential activation of mental events creates more top-level concepts when a person’s mental state is defocused.  Heightened sensitivity can lead to either diffusion of mental focus or selective attention to a single focus.  Sometimes, a defocused state means one’s sensitivity is lowered because there is no critical demand.  So these behavioral aspects requires in depth studies.  The presentation of Orb structure to the user should anticipate the level of differential activation that a user is experiencing in real time.  The software should adjust the number of elements in an upper taxonomy to take into account the shifts in behavior of the individual. 


The neurobiological basis for human selective attention has been a favorite subject of my PhD advisor, Daniel Levine, and I.  We can agree with the analysis you have laid out in your paper.  The key point is that this work on selective attention suggests that having a single Upper Ontology for a large enterprise will not be optimal in all circumstances, simply because the relationships, both the hierarchical and the non-hierarchical relationships are consistently in a type of flux.  So the discussions at the SICoP meetings should deepen and become clearer in regards to what is being discussed and what the reasons are for not allowing a fuller, and more scholarly discussion.  


It is my reading of the polylogic (Pile Systems Inc) technology that two types of relationships allow a type of figure-ground flux to occur in a natural way.  This use of a normative set of relationships and an associative set of relationships allows an emergent Upper Taxonomy to develop as a normative set of relationships and then a refinement of this normative set with some additional associative relationships.  I would certainly think you would have some comments about this. 


The importance of the polylogics approach is in


1)       creating educational material for average people to read and understand about the anticipatory technology,

2)       having a “natural” data encoding standard, one not developed by a committee, but one that is developed to be optimal in terms of a deep technical requirement and in terms of simplicity.


It is the flux in relational structure over “items” that is one of the points you argue very successfully in your paper. 


I point out that I have original work in mapping continuum mathematics models of co-occurrence relationships in text to a discrete set of simple syntagmatic units, having the form


< a, r, b >


These continuous models can be developed using stochastic latent semantic indexing, scatter gather, or algebraic latent semantic indexing.  One of the keys to understanding my work, on what I have called “differential and formative ontology”, is to allow a frame to form based on actual structural relationships in text and then to allow this frame to acquire some additional constraints, in a way that suggests elements of polylogics and your work on conceptual space activation. 


The Orb encoding, as sets of the form { < a, r, b > } has very natural translations between OWL, RDF, and other Semantic Web (W3C) standards.  But the Orbs also have very simple translations into and out of CoreSystem and Pile System.  Orbs support simple implementation of what have been very advanced knowledge creation and knowledge propagation aids, within both the Human-centric Information Production (HIP) and the machine intelligence paradigms such as artificial neural networks.  Differential and formative ontology has implicit knowledge representation in the form of complex mathematical theory and structure, and explicit knowledge (structural) representation in the form of these Orb sets


{ < a, r, b > }.


There are differences between anticipatory technology and the work being developed by Semantic Web standards committees.   Single innovators, whom I have identified in my work, develop more powerful solutions to the problem in interoperability than committees.  The committees work is often dragged down by the lowest common denominator, often expressed as institutional self interests.


It is thought by most that one key issue to creating cognitive aids is in finding the optimal methods and encoding structures to allow a single set of commonly agreed on structural standards.   It is often NOT mentioned that this commonly agreed on standard might be something like the ordered triples where the first and last element are graph nodes and the middle element is a relationship. 


What I have learned from interactions with W3C standards committees (as illustrated in the SICoP meetings) is that the introduction of the notion of meaning brings with it complexity issues.


The confusion can be resolved into a clear picture if the notions of complexity are defined as being not resolvable in a computing device, requiring an induction that "steps away" from the algorithms and state transitions.


So the standards discussion might shift from the topic of upper ontologies and micro-theories to this fundamental data structure related to a graph, and processes that map to natural science. 


A "non-semantic web" USPS can be (easily) developed to allow an "un-engineered" natural physical system to act as a controller at points of complexity (tipping points).   We are calling this the machine side of an Anticipatory Web. 


The AW will have two sides, a machine side and a living side. The machine side will separate the development of


1)       a theory of data structure invariance derived through natural language processing and

2)       a theory of event states that are anticipatory of normal human behaviors


The concept of the machine side of the AW excludes the notion that semantics is never fully resolved within the Anticipatory Web.  One needs a mutual induction involving the computed states of a computing system and the natural memory/anticipatory capability of a natural living system. 


The operating system for this USPS involves what we are calling "participatory function".  Machine data exchanges, what W3C is really trying to achieve, is a structural participatory function that would, if achieved, provide 100% interoperability in data exchanges.  Sandy's solution for this is complete and optimal.  Merge, in the CoreSystem setting is instrumented at design time and involves no elements of complexity.  However, we are looking for a closer binding between the real time experience and participatory functions of average human users.


In the old Artificial Intelligence school of thought, “complexity”, as defined in computer science, is misleading.  The AI and computer science use of the term “complexity” is not what we mean by natural complexity.   In natural complexity, a true indeterminate exists due to under constraint of structural activity relationships in real systems in real time. 


As you point out, in the case that the participatory function is "stratified" and has an emergence of form in the context of an environmental setting, then the ontology merge involves an entanglement.


The notion that quantum reality is separated from "physical reality" can be examined in spite of the obvious paradoxes.


One of the paradoxes of quantum reality is that there are things that do not exist.   Other paradoxes exist as well.


Some of these obvious paradoxes can be set aside if one examines biological research about living system with memory and anticipation.  We see that reality is as it is, and is not necessarily consistent with the old “rational” view of science.


One can then suggest that in some abstract sense, that the resources involved in memory (bringing the past to the present) and anticipation (bringing the future to the present) can be addressed in a computer system as two entirely different data encoding forms. 


So one can see a path forward. 



In Summary


Invariance of (sub)-structural forms is aggregated into non-redundant data storage using an optimal encoding mechanism.  The anticipatory forms are developed using something like stochastic "induction", machine learning such as Hidden Markov or various forms of latent semantic indexing.  Evolutionary algorithms can be used also.  What is to be discovered is the contextual utility functions that fully constrain the aggregation of a bag of sub-structural forms. 


The system always remains open to the possibility of novelty.


In some cases we allow "mutual-induction" to evoke the cognitive acuity of a human with computer output.  This is the notion of a "Knowledge Operating System". 


One is allowed to use a Peircean language here, and talk about atoms and compounds.  A compound occurs via a measurement followed by an interpretation of the function, in a specific environment in real time, of the aggregation of a bag of atoms.   This language is tri-level since the interpretation lies outside the resulting compound, in the environment of the compound.  As in physical chemistry the individual atoms are entangled and cease to exist as individual "things".


Anticipatory technology is now a reality, but is poorly understood within the intelligence and business communities. 


Like nuclear power, the power of anticipatory technology is here to stay.  If the population does not understand it, it will be misused.  But with a National Project designed to develop a new academic discipline related to the knowledge sciences, these anticipatory technologies will lead to a renewal of the democracy. 


University Proposal