The Blank
Slate Internet
A paper
for the purpose of discussion
Dr Paul S
December 10, 2007
Revised slightly December 15th 2008
Section 1: Definition of back plate
II: The
second school position on computing environments
Implications of second school thought
on human
computer design
Second school computer-human
Encapsulated Digital Objects and
the back
the usability of systems that have a back plate
Ontology emergence and merging
model that corresponds to natural process
New technical means, the n-ary
IV: The
Back-Plate and Digital Rights Management
The measurement of categorical invariance
in data
Measurement is followed by encoding
of data
new retrieval and organizing principle based on
Mill's logic
The fractal nature of information
new model based on secure IP management
Bi-lateral Intellectual Property Management
The Blank Slate Internet (BSI) is a
concept that has
developed based on our experience with the current Internet and current
software development. This experience
suggests that certain key enhancement to our economic and social system
be easily developed. There are social as well as technical enhancements
to discuss.
To engage in this discussion, there are
very hard issues to be sure. So most of the time
we frame our discussion
as conjecture, particularly when talking about human consciousness or
system phenomenon like economic realities.
The framing as conjecture helps us be clear about our own limitations,
limitations we experience as we attempt to talk about topics like
collective intelligence, non-locality and even spiritual
The world economic system is a marvelous system but may produce
unsustainable pressures on our social systems and on the world's
systems. Supply side markets appear to have
failed in significant ways, and a balance is needed between what might
be demanded from "all" people and what is supplied, or more correctly
stated "what is design to be supplied, by a few people. The issue
of about the origin of control. To develop a demand side, clear
and transparent communication seems necessary. An evolution of a
and infrastructure for information exchanges is suggestive of changes
would seem to be positive in regards to modifying wasteful consumption
patterns. So our discussion is about
how this evolution might be aided.
Core to the current economic system is the
information that
flows in the Internet. The observed
un-sustainability of many essential systems, is resilient because
expectations are established based on a
specific type of business context. It
seems not to be a closely held secrete that social values are seen, in
context, as secondary to the specific type of private economic gain
by current property law. The results of
this context are everywhere evident. As
such, a new system is sought that establishes a blank slate for
computing and
communication using microprocessors. If
this system is sufficient to allow and enable a cultural shift, then
benefits may be found in supporting precisely such a blank slate.
The second school may conceivably enable a
new economic
model that is resilient and sustainable.
One key to the second school is based on a correspondence
between design
principles and natural science. Several
elements are present, including a paradoxical principle of transparency
encapsulated informational security.
This principle may be realized using the back plate as described
in this
Our current design work shows precisely
how transparency and
security may be mutually supportive. A
social agreement over what is to be publicly transparent, and
within social units, may be made and provable security over information
provided. Such an agreement has to be
politically empowered and to have a technology that is neutral to
ownership issues. This means that the
software itself has to be optimal and provisioned by our social
and agreements have to have grounding in constitutional law.
Social agreements, of the type we
envision, simply confirm
constitutional law and are thus enforceable in cases of attempts to
infer and
gather private information. However,
public information may become more open and transparent.
In particular real time public information
about the composition of all manufacturing and all commodity use must
be seen
as a matter of national security and public well-being. For
without this clear information there
cannot be a market in the sense of Adam Smith's theory of market
forces. We as individuals can not see the consequences of a
purchase if the supply chain that produced a commodity is not available
for inspection.
It is not just a question of the
technology. The mechanism of the back plate
could in
fact provide provable security while algorithms derived from link
analysis creates a market place where consequences of social or
economic decisions
are well understood. Our current experience,
largely in the classified world, with semantic technology demonstrates
the feasibility of such a transparent market. The argument
against creating communication infrastructure having the property of
translucence *<*>
is often made by liberal elements of the political world. We make
an argument about the nature of the physical world and the differences
between the physical world and the abstractions involved in human
In short and in summary, whatever reality
is it should be seen by everyone, unless the reality is private, and
then this
privacy must be perfectly protected.
The basis for this perfect protection is in the Constitution and in out
moral traditions. Knowing the difference and being able
to enforce this difference is
essential to a conjectured future market place. There is no way
around this. Our society must accept the modern world and the
technology that empowers us to respond to crisis and
Complete and perfect public clarity about
the real cost of
all goods is one element of the envisioned consequences of back plate
systems. Carbon management, and the
management of other elements can be instrumented using a back
plate. Such a back plate mechanism was designed
for U. S. Customs, but not implemented.
The question of private information, when this information is about
use by manufacturing processes, is not the same as the issue of private
information about personal lives or individual human being. The differences are not so easy to
delineate. The problem is that knowledge of
supply chains and origins of supply and demand is power. In one
case, there is an
agreement about the rules of economic interactions. In
the other case, there are the constitutional mandated rights
of privacy. Power expressed privately may in fact have negative
social consequences, and this possibility is to a large extent that
cause of social law.
What is a back plate?
The concept can be applied to any type of finite state machine
having a
stratification of processing layers.
Stratification in physical systems is seen as a consequence of
the organization of physical
systems. In the physical support of human thought, there
are layers of organization in which this organization has interactions
between elements leading to the emergence of coherent phenomenon
serving functions within other organizational levels. When
a communication system
infrastructure realizes this organization, we are able to establish
appropriate correspondence
between natural intelligence and the communication architecture. *<*>
The Internet has the FTP stack and this
certainly is one way
to implement stratification. However,
the stratification potential has not been optimally used, in the way
that the
back plate concept suggests.
The back plate, as defined by Prueitt in
2007, is a system of
compression/encryption dictionaries that communicate in the
The background communication is minimally sufficient so that a
capability comes to exist at a number of small computing nodes. The specification of these nodes is
addressed in several design documents, and there is on going work on
designs. This work may be reviewed when proper
agreements are made to protect some parts of the specification that is
original and deserving of some degree of temporary ownership. We
may; however, talk in generality.
In essence one has a very
small operating system that continually takes background information to
maintain a generative cover, as discussed below, as well as an ability
to enfold
and express digital objects. The
operating system is mobile in the sense that it can be activated by any
micro-processor, such as exists in cell phones.
Internal to the back plate nodes are
rather simple
optimization algorithms. These
algorithms are useful because of the input / output relationship is
handled in
iterated action-perception cycles with what are called utility
functions. Examples of this type of architecture
ubiquitous in the mathematical models of neural function as well as in
types of automated control.
A longer
discussion is required here. A summary
of this discussion must point out that computational systems have up to
now only
allowed the modeling of biological function using programming languages
separate the processing of data by the program from a physical
measurement process. Human awareness, it
should be pointed out, depends on the systems supporting awareness to
have measured and to be capable of measuring in real time some part of
physical reality. Computing machines do not have this same type
of measurement. The issue of measurement is an open problem of
extra-ordinary difficulty.
The issue is that current programming
environments are designed for purposes other than simplification. Without a simplification of the computer
science, the natural scientist cannot do the work that needs to get
done. On the other hand, great strides in
science seem just on the horizon.
The back plate nodes are designed to
simplify the input /
output relationship specifically supporting the use of utility
functions over
an aggregation of invariance. [3]
Several types of optimization process can
be computing using modified steepest descent algorithms.
Such algorithms known and understood in machine
artificial neural network, genetic algorithms, and numerical analysis
disciplines. The category, of all
steepest descent algorithms [4],
includes systems that extract meaningful patterns from unstructured
input. In
the back plate, as defined by Prueitt, semantic cover generation is
at each of many virtual machines. The
generators are each one equipped with one of the category of human
algorithms where human inspection of results is often required.
The notion of semantic cover is itself a
difficult one, but
in essence the notion implies a type of minimal sufficiency. The conceptual work for specifying semantic
cover generators is founded by Prueitt in an area of formal systems
called topological logic (Victor Finn, 1982 1994).
Prueitt describes this conceptual work in chapter six of the
book, Foundations for the Knowledge Sciences. [5]
This work relies on stratification and a simplification of the
architecture so that the logic described in Foundation can be applied
directly to input / output relationships.
In practical terms, any specific semantic cover generator
is defined in terms of sufficiency.
Are the elements of the cover sufficient to cover the
target? Sufficiency may be defined as a result of a specific type
function. In the evolution of the foundations of Hilbert
mathematics the utility function is simply some subjective sense of
independence and of completeness. This subjective sense was,
however, refined over the centuries to produce the foundational
elements of mathematics.
A descriptive enumeration is discussed by Prueitt in his demand side
theory *<*>.
enumeration produces a cover over an area of investigation, for example
the services that may be required within the electronic exchanges of a
large corporation. The works that Prueitt proposes is that these
enumerations may be used to produce transactional memory and an
encryption regime. These resources may then be used to control,
or to manage, the system under investigation. We should be clear
that by "system under investigation" in the demand side paradigm this
is mostly likely to be the investigation of self by the self, as in
long term educational work or own's own understanding of one's
health. It is entirely possible to create an encoding of such
personal information so that no one other then the creator will be able
to understand the encoding, and any access to the decoding mechanism
would signal the creator that an intrusion had been attempted. *<*>
In the back plate we are
concerned about the materialization of objects at a distance. Can any object of a certain class be encoded
at one node, the compression tokens sent to another node, and the
object be
generated? If so, distributed as a function of
the backplate, we have some
form of generative cover over the class of objects. If
the cover has a logic that predicts or anticipates
the function/behavior of any generated object, then we have some type
semantic cover generator. If the
semantic cover may be processed by a specific logic system, the one
is call quasi axiomatic theory [6],
then a minimization of the cover may be identified. In
the simplest form, this architecture is easy to realize, and
has been realized in any compressed transmission. What is being
suggested merely takes an additional step.
Even in this simplistic form, there are
features related to
the back plate model that can be realized.
Object ownership in the Second Life virtual community software
already has many of these features.
Thus there are actual models of what back plates will produce. The issue we repeat is that current software
design is far too complicated, in nature, to realize many of the
benefits that
will arise once processing architecture shifts to the second school
perspective. Things that are done with great difficulty now will
be done with great ease. Things that may not even be imagined
will be developed, but not the strong forms of artificial
intelligence. We give up on this mistaken goal *<*>
and develop instead the demand side technology from first principles. *<*>
Prueitt's architecture for managing all
transactions across all national borders represents an early effort at
producing the back plate design. [8]
As we began to make an investigation into
back plate
phenomenon; we found many systems that might be considered to be an
architecture, where optimal is formally defined in the context of a
function employed by a steepest descent algorithm. In
all of these systems, data is not just moved about but rather
each whole, e.g., object, is treated as an object and encoded using a
dictionary. Transmission then is not of
the whole object, but rather is a transmission of a linear series of
that when expressed in the presence of the dictionary generates the
object. The required bit transmission
can be up to, in theory, 1/700 of the original bit transmission, and
generally be about 1/40 th the size in normal compression.
The difference between structural cover generators, such as
compression dictionaries, and semantic cover
generators is now seen
clearly. The compression can be in fact
encrypted, and the compression/encryption tokens may have some nature
allows a human knowledge management function.
The encryption/compression regime may be linked to an ontological
model, to a utility function and to situational logic of the type
envisioned by Mill's, extended by Pospelov and Finn, and completed by
Kugler and Prueitt. *<*>
The utility function, ontology and situational logic may be used to
optimize a community's satisfaction with the meaning of
generated symbols. Multiple communities, having different notions of
coherent may have mediated collective conversation.
These human knowledge management functions are achieved with the same
mechanism created for computer manycore and grid transaction
memory. In current research at Intell Corp the paradigm of
software transaction memory is seen as a possible solution to task
scheduling in parallel. This transaction memory based solution to
grid processing becomes viable when knowledge management and the design
of communication tools are united using structural covers. In
other words. community based, e.g. common people, generativity is
enabled by mechanisms supporting true many core and grid parallel
It is important to acknowledge that this additional feature has
not been
traditionally associated with compression/encryption paradigms. It is also noted that the work by Prueitt
and Adi on language generation from onto logical primes may indicate a
correspondence between topological covers and the every day generation
of the
contents of mental awareness. [9]
Structural cover generators are
commonplace in compression technology but not
organized to produce a functioning back plate.
This next step provides an organization to the compression
dictionaries so that the elements in the compression dictionary may be
linked with mechanism that evolve machine based models and the human
interaction mechanisms. The difference between semantic covers
and structural covers is
not so
much a difference that cannot be over come. Architecturally,
we do make the case that a backplate with
semantic generation capability is physically manifest in brain systems.*<*>
A backplate works by updating all virtual
nodes on an on going basis. Backplate nodes are
small virtual engines which MAY be similar in nature to
operating system engines. All transference of information,
such as
the information needed to provide an intuitive (topic map) interface as
well as
all structural data will NOT be sent from point to point, rather the
will be
generated at one point because at some other point there was some event
"caused" the generation.
For those that know a little quantum mechanics, the metaphor to Bell's
inequality is illustrative. "No physical theory of local hidden
variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum
mechanics." The backplate mechanism employs stratification
theory, and non-locality, to overcome this prediction *<*>.
It is true (2008), we need to demonstrate this in
a small lab, but it is essentially something that has been done a long
with regular compression tables. We just need to show that this
is a
"backplate" that has generative capability. This
generative capability is also to be shown to
instrument a digital object management system. The
management system will control property rights agreements, security -
both local and global, computing processor tasking, as well as human
community mechanisms for knowledge generation and information
Please note that this architecture is not designed to gain venture
funding, rather is being specified as part of foundational science. So the reader should not judge our
presentation based on the understanding demonstrated by current
practices by
the business innovators. Our audience
is the community of scholars and individuals who see the necessities
in shifting control of communication, entertainment and computing
away from narrowly focused business processes and placing more control
in the
hands of individual consumers. In the
new economic model, scholars may replace entrepreneurs in the IT
The consequence of federal building and control over a Blank Slate
Internet infrastructure is the empowerment of entrepreneurial
capitalism. Public property will replace private property within
the communications grid infrastructure, thus enabling new economic
sectors based on new layers of private innovation. What
is conjectured to be potential can be
seen in an
Suppose that at the very
beginning of the automobile age, venture capital focused on owning all
roads. Suppose further that a monopoly
was developed whereby if one wanted to use one's automobile, one had to
pay the
investor groups for the right to drive on a paved road. If
the federal government wanted to build
Interstate Highways, the federal government would have to pay excessive
of money, perhaps as much as 50% of total construction costs, to the
investor groups. Suppose, further, that
patent law has now established a non-ending ownership to the concept of
a paved
Now, imagine the specific natures of
industry and commerce
that would have arisen. Imagine if the
initial investor's group governed the political system itself. At one point, the desirability of doing
things that could only be imagined, such as we experience every day in
our real
social reality, would come into conflict with the notion of private
of all paved roads. This is the
conflict we now see with respect to the information highways. One
group of wealthy and powerful individuals insist on the right to own
the roads, and ties this right to a misplaced notion of capitalism as
well as to the foundations of democratic governance.
The shift from first to second school,
were it to occur,
means a decentralization of control over private information spaces. A new economic model governing information
infrastructure would arise. The new
model will benefit everyone and democratize the control over commodity
production and consumption patterns.
A new level playing field will be created, and from this level playing
field will arise new economic sectors based on a balanced sense of
capital formation.
The optimality we discuss comes with provable security over
and thus new business innovation is possible as a consequence of
backplate systems. Business does not suffer as a
consequence, but is removed as the commanding authority over production
consumption. The demand side is enabled by the
communications infrastructure in the same way as the roadways empowered
the rise of modern travel and commerce. Anticipatory
creates a replacement for manipulative advertising as a
means to
control the production. Production becomes driven by the real
time aggregation of the expectation of consumer demands. If the public
demands, wastefulness is directly addressed by market forces rather
than be driven by market forces.
In order that backplate information
systems arise we
need to be objective about current information technology
sub-optimality. The problems are well
recognized. For example, an ultra stable and provable
distributed operating system cannot be build on XML, RDF and other
technologies, but can be realized using the backplate concept.
A number of benefits may be immediately pointed to. For example,
the optimality to be gained from a pure backplate might be
understood as a feature of distributed computing governed by utility
functions. Part of this optimality has
to do with an ability to use smaller pipes for digital data movement,
or re-location. Small pipe transfer of
video transmission is to be realized in wireless environments.
A strong capitalization argument is
present in an area
where the producers of digital content in the entertainment markets
feel great
pain. The second school position is;
however, that a shift in the markets is required as a consequence of
imbalances arising from industry driven consumerism. The
ubiquity of new application potentials requires that
a backplate consisting of semantic cover generators be developed by
academic community and made available as un-owned infrastructure. This provision empowers new market
The optimality of the backplate
technology might be properly seen as relative to the non-optimality of
the first school technology. Optimality
arguments seem possible, but
requiring of some reasoning based on category theory and foundational
in mathematics and computing theory (Harold Szu, unpublished and
to Prueitt 1998; Prueitt, unpublished).
A simple demonstration of first principles may be seen in the
organization of material reality, and thus the corresponding feature is
as having a number of metaphors
We are suggesting that underlying
mechanisms of the current Internet might be slightly modified so that
backplate theory would have a means
to be
implemented as part of a living interaction between computing
environments and
human communities. This outcome creates also the
transparency that is required if the Internet is to become a safe place
rather than full of darkness.
Over the past decades, computer science
has become grounded
on a view of natural science that is reductionistic in nature.
grounding has created great economic value, but has also been done in
such a
way as to also create a narrow viewpoint about
information. This viewpoint is maintained in spite of adequate
scholarship regarding the differences between data, information and
human knowledge (as experienced).
conjecture that hard limits experienced due to the current
technology may be by-passed by properly aligning computer science to
science. The capital investments
required establishing proof of this by-pass is not as significant as
investment that is required to control, e.g., inhibit, the evolution of
a new
ecosystem of markets. [11] It is thus possible to predict that at one
point there will be a shift from first school paradigm implementations
second school implementations. It has been impossible to predict
when this shift might occur.
Some background is needed. Let
us start with the difference between human knowledge, as experience in
real time, and "information" as it exists in a textbook.
as defined by Shannon is data
oriented and digital in nature. How long does it take to transmit the
bits that reproduces the text book at some other point? We feel that this is actually
not a correct formulation of the nature of information, as commonly
by an average human. An alternative
view of information is oriented towards the interpretive process. This viewpoint is perhaps most associated
with the work of Charles Sanders Peirce. [12]
Consistent with the Peircean viewpoint, human interpretation transforms
systems into the contents of awareness.
Using backplate mechanisms, data
processing will produce symbol systems
that are then either interpreted by humans, systems of humans or
systems of living
systems. Collective intelligence *<*>
will be instrumented using the demand side mechanisms, as discussed by
the second school. *<*>
For example, a fish pond may evolve environmental controls that
optimize location and temporal specific production of fish stock, while
also minimizing commodity use and pollution. *<*>
These symbol systems may be
designated to produce a context and within that context a mechanism may
be used
to control other mechanisms. The
specification may very well follow a service-oriented standard using
principles as given, for example,
by Thomas Erl. [13]
The second viewpoint makes other
distinctions between the first and second schools. One
of these distinctions is about the
meaning of the term "complexity". This
may be used to see the real and non-removable difference between
artificial intelligence and
intelligence, and between the first school and the second. [14]
When this difference is seen, we are given a new and proper
understanding of
natural intelligence and computing.
This understanding is essential for those of us trying to
understand what is next?
We must review some elements of
foundational elements of computer science. The complete system of
involved in computing environments is always a system of finite state
machines. The first and second schools
agree. The disagreement is framed in the
question "are natural systems finite state machines?" In the
second school
viewpoint these machines can be extremely complicated, but never
complex, in
the sense that Robert Rosen's work has defined. [15]
A simple reading of the literatures may be
used to make the case that Rosen's work in category theory takes
off from where Pierce's work ends. Certain
common abstract constructions are used by both scholars. In
both Pierce's work and in Rosen's work, a core notion is the notion of
an living interpretant. The interpretation acts on perception as
a consequent of being aware of both
systems and a range of possible meanings for constructions from these
systems. The act of interpretation is
part of a chain of many embedded cycles, within cycles, of perception
by action, as discussed by J.J. Gibson [16]
and others. The first school claims
that these cycles are ultimately mechanistic.
The second school simply asserts that these cycles are not
mechanistic. There are points of
complexity, Rosen complexity, that must be acknowledged by science if
we are to understand the nature of human awareness.
The second school position is absolutely
clear and precise. Complexity is neither simple nor
complicated, rather is it an indication of indeterminacy, a quality
by natural systems. A finite state
machine, by nature, can never by complex.
This is the position that the first school seems not to be able
understand. To see why this
understanding seems to be difficult for some people, we need to look at
notion of logical coherence and translatability.
things are not understandable unless one comes from the
right viewpoint. Self-limitation is constructed
from the mechanisms
enforcing and
experience of viewpoint. The problem is not that the second
school positions are abstract and too difficult for average people to
understand. The problem is that the current ways of thinking are
often supply side driven and thus acting to control what may or may not
be thought <*>.
The required balance between supply and demand sides also requires an
sense of multi-coherence *<*>.
Linguist Benjamin Whorf [17]
developed the notion of non-translatability.
The concept of complexity is illustrative of the notion of
non-translatability. The issue of complexity
is not translatable into first school thinking, due in part to the,
what we
would regard as, polemical definitions of words like intelligence,
complexity, free will and others by the first school. However,
for those in the second school the
understanding that complexity entails causes other than Newtonian
causes seems
justified by empirical observation and a growing body of scientifically
grounded theory.
Can the action-perception cycle be reduced
to data and mechanisms? The
question must be informed by a first principle based on examination of
science. The first school is self
limiting, suggestive of an artificial notion of intelligence. Natural science can and should examine the
mechanisms supporting human consciousness.
A careful examination of words such as awareness, living, and
interpretation is possible based on natural science. So
the path is open to develop a second school of thought about
the nature of computing environments.
If nature does not yield completely to
reductionism then such an examination should produce computing
interfaces that
are not now anticipated by the current mainstream of information
technology. When a back plate links
these interfaces we have new types of social networks.
The first school asserts that one must
always keep the question of artificial intelligence open and defined to
be a
type of intelligence that is superior to human intelligence and having
properties of human intelligence. The
second school suggests that first principles derived from natural
provides increasing evidence that natural intelligence has specific
that are not reducible to data and deterministic mechanism.
The human action perception cyclic
involves an awareness, of state, in real time and the production of a
map. The awareness is of particulars
and the production of cognitive means is a production, via induction
and abduction,
of universals. First
school sees the
particular arising from universals. The
second school sees the particular as always having some part of its
essence not
expressible as any set of universals, at least not as human language.
In modern information technology
paradigms, such as knowledge management and service event analysis the
cognitive map is then used in ways that are reducible to discrete data
structure and mechanism in the sense defined by Shannon.
In the second school viewpoint, our designs
follow an action-perception cyclic in the production of universals from
particulars. The mapping symbols may be
encoded via the induction of specific symbols and the reification of
using a convolution over particulars to produce universals (Mills,
Pospelov, Prueitt). However, this must
not wag the tail. The particulars
cannot be forced as some expression of a fixed set of pre-defined
universals. To do so is to create a top
down hierarchical control system that cannot instantly acknowledge
Such systems are very utilitarian but
are subject to unexpected, and often costly, failures when the natural
changes. These issues were addressed
in Soviet era efforts to place control over complex systems; such as
cities and
social systems, but such control
systems were never achieved (Prueitt, Finn and Pospelov private
communications 1997).
We have developed a computing paradigm
that is designed to achieve a number of features not now available. In particular, a bi-lateral protection of
intellectual property is made available.
The bi-lateral interface is between the system of a single
family, social group, or other encapsulated system and another system
of the
same type.
The interface is complex in the Rosen
sense, not because of a technology feature, but because of the natural
intelligence of any living systems. To
talk about the interface involves the use of concepts that do not exist
in the
first school, and thus have non-translatability issues in the context
of a
discussion between first school proponents and seconds school
proponents. The context does not mean that the
school does not have language, only that this language is not
understood by the
first school.
Specific language is used in the
complex systems general theory literatures that will be used only very
carefully here in the description of interfaces. The
back plate interfaces are not reducible to data and mechanism,
at least there is not any complete reduction process that has been
found and is
widely known. Rather than dealing with
our language in a way that is consist with the well developed school of
thought, we have been calling this school the first
school, we use instead the specific language of the second
school of thought about the nature of information.
In the first school, we develop the
notion of an encapsulated digital object.
This can be done completely within the language of finite state
and what is called by the information technology sector, object
The notion of an encapsulated digital
object is further extended to treat the objects as services defined
within a
computing environment. Service Oriented
Computing (Thomas Erl) is then born from the object oriented
programming and
design literatures and efforts.
However, the object seen as a service is still first school in
nature, because the distinction between data and information is not
clear. Data works with mechanism, deterministic
mechanism; and information works with an interpretive process that is
according to second school first principles, reducible to deterministic
The encapsulated digital object (EDO)
is a step along a path defined by object oriented programming (see
works by
Brad Cox [18])
and now
service oriented computing. CoreSystem
(developed by Sandy Klausner) provides a view down this path, but
Klausner has
already taken a different direction then those who are in the first
school, a
direction that takes one directly to the first principles of the second
school. The key word here is generative.
To build a market context for the
scientific work I am proposing, we need to introduce a bit a jargon. This jargon only roughly approximates what
might or might not be actual present in the marketplace, due to non
agreements and classified R&D.
CoreSystem relies on the generation of a set of computational
and the use of what are called frameworks to generate digital objects. John Sowa, Richard Ballard, and John Zackman
all have versions of generative semantic primitives, although a general
of semantic primitives has not been published.
The development of a general theory is attempted in my private
work, but
the issues have to do with paradigmatic viewpoints and how multiple
might be represented in a single logical system.
The CoreSystem framework is called cubism
and is related to the art history movement called Cubism. [19]
The same distinctions made by Thomas Erl regarding the transition
digital objects and digital services (defined within computing
can and does get made in the CoreSystem architecture. Other
concepts from these that are behind XML, Topic Maps, and
web ontology languages (OWL) are present, for example namespaces. However, the implementation of these
concepts is at a more advanced and simpler level. The
difference in actual software architecture design and
implementation features from one software system to the next may be
with the existence of different geometries.
One may be able to represent very different theories of
science, each one having specific types of features, capabilities and
The implementation in CoreSystem is
second school in nature. Namespaces
become contextual devices where the mechanistic data structures are
meaning based on pre-defined contextualization measured by a specific
design for a back plate. Context
computing, what ever that means, is then the primarily book keeping
task of
So what might context computing
properly mean? This bookkeeping is
accomplished using an induction of form from the experience of
structure. The bookkeeping provides the content
semantic cover generators and cause an induction of universals from
particulars, in second school; and a use of pre-defined universal to
represent particulars
in the first school.
The second school's intent is to
observe and to produce universals from direct observation.
This is not an easy task, unless first
principles are actually aligned to real natures and to the reality of
systems. These first principles include
the recognition of location and individuality.
The computing theory that we are suggesting makes as an
assertion the
need for real time involvement by everyday users in the behaviors of
software code.
We assert that location has a local and
distributed nature, and this nature can be accounted for using
stratification. Of course this
assertion is a core second school assertion about physical and
reality. The first principles related
to stratification can be understood as necessary if complexity is to be
acknowledged. The stratification allows
symbols system to evolve within a number of layers, layers that are
together by what the Soviets called Mill's logic and what Prueitt and
extended (1996 1998) to produce a tri-level architecture for
treating the
particular to universal induction. [20]
A stratification of symbol systems also
creates the means to generate service objects for provably optimal
using compression/encryption dictionaries.
Mathematics for provably optimal security over the key encoding
to a
service object is given in private work, but an outline can be given
here. The bottom, or substructural, layer
corresponds to physical atoms, which are then aggregated together to
produce compounds. [21]
These atoms are found using stochastic means. The
compounds are then the digital objects that de-materialize at
one place and re-materialize at a different place. The
generation process is thus seen to use a table of atoms, to compress [22]
the signal
thus producing gains to effective transmission rates. The
categories of data transmission compression patents all work
on precisely this principle; however without there being a purposeful
refinement of the atoms into what is in essence period tables for the
of semantics. This is done by
CoreSystem and by the Mark III system [23]
as well as a number of classified systems.
A number of practical advantages are
derived from second school first principles.
The generation of services from service objects can be
instrumented so
that all generation events are communicated to an internal data
(based on a key-less hash (Paul Prueitt)) that then must communicate to
service organization as a means to manage bi-lateral issues with
respect to
intellectual property. This
communication and instrumentation is described in Brad Cox's book
SuperDistribution as occurring within a micro-banking system. The generated service is not communicated,
only agreed on data is transmitted about the use of the generative
object. The service fulfillment then
uses the semantic cover generators.
The technology is then a generative
technology having optimal compression and encryption, as well as an
evolutionary architecture that creates stable substructural tables
having great
expressive capability. Individual
communities, or processes, may evolve distinct substructural tables for
non-translatability becomes an issue.
However, the reality of non-translatability requires a feature
supporting terminological reconciliation technology [24]
The picture of interacting gEDO
(generative Encapsulated Generative Objects) systems, having well
interfaces to actual living systems is a picture that can be
because this picture is in fact similar to how humans use natural
The argument is simple. We
use our familiarity with life to
understand what cannot be formalized into data and mechanism. We produce second school words and meanings
that communicate this familiarity, not by placing all of the knowledge
a symbol set, but by evoking shared awareness.
The language is not reduced to data and
mechanism, so the part of this picture that is hardest to understand is
computing environment. The computing
environment is vastly simplified into provably optimal compression and
encryption; as well as both localized and global gEDO management
environments. These environments each
have bi-lateral and uni-lateral capability, and these capabilities
information security as well as intellectual property management.
In November 2007, a group
of information scientists made the observation that a back-plate to the
Internet is emerging, and predicted that this phenomenon will foster a
economic model. A precursor Internet
back plate is, in fact, evolving via a collective process having no
control, with strengths analogous to the wiki concept. As in other
and distributed processes, there is an adaptation due to a certain set
principles in order to meet anticipation.
This adaptation is not
governed by centralized control.
However, where the adaptation is going may now be visible. Economic decisions regarding approaches
funded by government and private sources have been involved in the
of the Internet. Some less than optimal
work is to be expected; we are in a trial and error phase in the
development of
the Semantic Web. This sub optimal work
is now easily recognized. Optimality is
defined with respect to some viewpoint and viewpoints shift, sometimes
suddenly. Because the difficulties
involved in software use, and the failure of the current system of
development; one can predict this shift in the market in the near
future. This prediction cannot be precise, but
based on long standing theory in social sciences and in economic
science that
an established system that become disconnected from reality will
produce an
appearance of reality only for a certain period of time.
To see how the collective
effort is progressing, we may focus on economic motivation and how this
motivation supports, or inhibits, inventions of precursor technology
such as
semantic extraction, generative-encryption, ontological modeling and
like. Such a focus provides insights
into how to capitalize on one or more element of the emerging
phenomenon, and
in this way more fully participate in the rewards. Because
there is a potential shift in the economic model, these
precursor technologies may be understood by anyone wishing to invest
successfully. Investment however
creates its own reality, and thus the success will likely be seen by
those who
are lucky and whose insights have suggested caution.
Many large-scale projects
have anticipated the back-plate, including some in patent evaluation,
pharmaceutical and medical literature identification, medical research,
design and manufacture. In each case,
underlying precursor technology is used and used in a way that shows
in how the technology is conceived and deployed in other projects. These projects have not produced the
critical mass required to break down the old computer science paradigm. We are still, January 2008, in a pre-shift
The reason that IP mapping
(patent evaluation) would become important was clear sixteen years ago
in 1992
when the author gave a talk at a private conference at Georgetown
University. The talk covered mapping IP
evolution and potential technical means available to automate the
of IP evolution between the university and the marketplace. These concepts led to the BCNGroup Charter
mechanism (1994), for mapping IP and distributing the compensation for
university based research. Later, in
1996, associated concepts combined with Brad Cox's concept of
super-Distribution as a means to provide transparency for the IP
universe. The original architectures in 1993
involved neural models of cognitive behavior; like selective attention
orientation. Over the years, the
concept embraced work derived from Soviet cybernetics and semiotics
(1995-1998); and then ontological modeling (1999-2004). In
spite of this history, and similar
histories involving other innovators, IP mapping is still misused and
performed in any optimal fashion.
Evidence suggests that this
evolution of concepts and related technology is similar to many other
some highly funded in private or classified settings; but none clearly
visible. In the material presented below,
the author attempts to suggest to the reader some of the core
principles on
which these concepts and technologies have depended. We
leave side the questions related to the critical mass and the
We observe that human
interpretation of linguistic patterns is highly situational, and based
context. Nothing technical about this,
but the underlying mechanisms have been a mystery until recently. The natural properties involved in memory,
awareness and anticipation suggests a mediation of linguistic parsing
dynamic ontology. These properties have
been lifted into an abstraction and realized as computational process,
all the
while fully understanding that the computational system is neither
nor alive, but is merely an extension of natural processes involved in
intelligence. The mediation fits each
situation with relationships and associations that are
A new school of thought
about human information exchanges has been born, and is called the
school. [25]
A model is
suggested that allows computational support for a natural process, of
which we
are all quite familiar with.
Our approach merges
ontology from past analysis with a type of category theory that applies
of nouns, verbs and objects.
Taxonomies, controlled vocabularies and web ontology are soon to
easily understood situational analysis of particulars. The
key is that the technology allows normal
action perception cycles as humans interact with the computer. Humans do use selective attention and
orientation to features as an interpretation and modification behavior. Modification engages the human and results
in high quality learning. These
principles have computing correlates.
The most critical feature
of the new environments is in getting an ontological model reified from
particulars; e.g. universals from particulars.
These universals are seen as "not being everywhere realized".
A short discussion about particulars and universals starts with a question. In the moment, what time scale are we in?
Is this even a reasonable question? For reasons that appear hidden, the nature of the particular and its composition from elements of the universal has been a subject of inquiry in all civilizations and in all times. The current time is not an exception.
The consequences of the investigation, in our times, results in almost every type of belief system and in every form of our science, in what ever system of science one inspects.
As in string theory, there may be more than one conceptual system that accounts well for the phenomenon that manifest in the various scales of physical, biological and social activities. Also like string theory, the development of evidence about biological and social science may only now just begin to be available. The condition of non-translatability may be expected to separate any one of these systems of thought from each other. One can have the position that non-translatability has something to do with a failure to find the set of universals that apply to everything. On the other hand, one may take the position that human knowledge always has an illusionary nature, and then very timidly suggest that non-translatability between human conceptual systems has a non-removable truth. The paradox in this timid statement escapes no one's attention.
In the language of systems theory, we may say that the expression of ontology in time is or appears to be fractal in nature. What this means in pure mathematics is precise in works on scholars like Mandelbrot. What it means to me is that the particular is attempting to expression in the patterns that have formed at slower time scales, and is being required to make that expression with patterns expressed in the fast times scales. The particular is sandwiched between universals at two different scales of expression.
Lines of affordance form and create an event horizon with the present moment appearing to be in the center.
There is a contextual frame
to abstracted ontology. Context can be
managed using terminological reconciliation and in fact a kind of
terminological science that Fiona Citkin pioneered in the Soviet Union
1980s and early 1900s, mostly classified).
It is quite natural to realize that terminological context is
determined by a consensual relationship between individual humans and
collective agreement. In both the
individual and the collective cases, explanatory coherence, i.e.
is involved (Paul Thagard).
Our previous work
integrates the above principle into a tri-level architecture designed
to reify
(create universals from particulars) in real time. The
resulting ontological models are complex, in the sense that
Rosen defined. Rosen defined simple as
any system that had a formal nature similar to Hilbert mathematics. Much of the mechanisms of reality are well
modeled by Hilbert mathematics, but a significant number of the
involved in human knowledge are not.
For creating knowledge about these mechanisms we may need to use
ontological modeling. The reason may be
simple. The evolution of these systems
involves the emergence of wholes whose function fits into larger
ecosystems of
processes. The function can be achieved
in many ways, using many different groups of compositional elements. Recognition, processing of stimulus using
some internal model, and intentionality seem to be involved even in
The tri-level architecture
is designed to create models of complex phenomenon. However,
the principles involved in the design of the tri-level
have to be justified based on some type of verification principles and
consistency with classical science, for example Pribram's work on neuro
The three levels are each
composed of a set of abstractions. The
lower level is a set of semantic primitives, defined statistically and
heuristically as semantic frameworks. The
upper level is a set of categories, whose definition is a consequence
of prior
description of how things evolve. Situational parsers measure the lower
category structure and update semantic cover generators.
The upper level has to be constructed by
some means, and for this we suggest the Mill's logic (Prueitt,
Once this tri-level
architecture is seen and it has been on the OntologyStream web since
the late
1990s, the programming is simple (four months). Within this period of
time we
will produce representational knowledge via topic maps over the IP
space and
display these as mind or cognitive graphs. This production capability
can be
demonstrated in a localized environment in which compression and
objects architecture is realized.
The development unfolds in
natural steps. These include the
automation of linkage between well-specified n-ary ontological models
and the
process of measuring the categories of invariance in data comprising
video, textual
or other types. We are speaking of
categories in invariance, in video and structured data, that parallel
linguistic categories. Private work
indicates ways to place these categories of invariance into automated
that produce representational systems about the underlying
natures and their possible linkages to behavior.
The proposed architecture
creates a back-plate for the analysis of systems of information, these
having a localization aspect and a distributed aspect. In
pure back-plate architecture all
information exchanges are restricted to compressed and encrypted
objects. Such a system provides a 100% Digital
Management solution, simply as a by-product of the back-plate based
of informational objects. The objects,
somewhat like waves and particles in physics, have some specific
features that
may be used to settle some hard problem. A back-plate is also simpler
in nature
than current approaches to service oriented architecture.
There is an opportunity to do something
unexpectedly simple
with compression/encryption dictionaries.
Any dictionary is composed of a set of
ordered pairs;
G = { (c,u) }
where c (the word) stands in for u (the
definition), c
and u are bit patterns and statistically the transmission of a linear
composed of occurrences of c elements can be done with fewer
than the corresponding occurrences of u elements. The trick
that we
achieve with "ontology mediated digital encryption" is that the
compression token be a universal and that the uncompressed tokens be
"parts" of particulars. We realize that this problem is the
same as the problem of relating linguistic category to semantic
category. We
also see parallels to work done by Klausner, CoreSystem, and Ballard,
Mark II
My concept of a knowledge-operating
environment has a
back-plate having remarkable properties including the ability to create
secure private information spaces. Once
the dictionaries have an ontological nature to them, placing a small
loop within the code instruments the generation of the
digital object. The reporting of use
then has an ability to act in enforcing property agreements.
The tri-level architecture needs to have
input of a nature
similar to what we find in cyber security, economic data or textual
data. We are encouraged by the increasing
of parsers that perform text based semantic extraction. The
author has long talked about the
generalization of specific software into a general-purpose toolbox for
measurement devices that extract and then for managing the invariance
in data
The general-purpose toolbox serves to
create what are
essentially compression tables that store the patterns of bit
zeros and ones, and then to discover a substructural to functional
between patterns and functions of composites of these patterns. Extracting patterns is precisely what
compression algorithms do. Predicting
functional behavior from substructural nature is what the Mill's logic
(private work by Prueitt and Kugler 1997).
This predictive function is essential to back-plate architecture. The cubism framework is used by Klausner to
give predictability and uniformity to CoreSystem's back-plate. The extensive specification of services with
CoreSystem is perhaps the most highly evolved architecture within which
back-plate would be consistent. Other service
oriented computing environments are being developed using design
principles, but without the concept of back-plate generation and
A second order compression is possible if
the elements of
the extracted set of patterns are assigned categories. By analogy,
words are
categorized as nouns, subjects, verbs, objects etc; and some type of
logic is
placed so that the information space is represented by a smaller set of
categorical elements. The standard for
doing this is the Topic Map standard, and the visual interface to Topic
Maps is
the now popular mind map graphical user interface.
The Pile theory of Peter Krieg [26]
gives us a natural way to hang second order compression into data
lattices. The elements of the first order
table are arranged into lattices that are self referential, thus
providing the
additional compression.
This compression is not a compression of
data only, but may
become a compression of information under certain circumstances. These circumstances have been explored by
several research efforts. We are now
ready to create the virtual machine that does the kind of encryption we
talking about.
If the compression is in terms of elements
that are present
in the compression of data then an information retrieval paradigm is
possible. Again, the correspondence
between second school concepts and natural science is illustrative. There is good evidence that the human brain
stores the invariance of experience in precisely this way, and that
memory recall is via a mechanism of the type we are proposing, and
which has
been proposed by others. The underlying index
may have the form of the key-less hash table (Gruenwald, 1998; Prueitt,
2003). Karl Pribram's work has suggested a provably optimal operating
for digital environments, which is consistent with our back-plate
apparatus. The key-less hash is a
natural and simple means to implement architecture corresponding to
holonomic theory of brain function. [27]
It is not necessary that the
representation of information
be smaller than the original information.
In fact, search starts with a small representation of
information and
produces a larger representation. Once
this is understood, it is possible to have an apparatus for retrieving
information where the apparatus has an internal instrumentation that
allows the
use of the apparatus to have recorded consequences.
The Mill's logic was extended by Soviet
era cybernetics to
establish plausible evidence that behavioral elements in compressed
are composed of, or can be composed of, specific sets and arrangements
structural invariance, i.e. the elements in compression or encryption
dictionaries. Stated in a different
way, the set of compression/encryption tokens may be found so that a
object can be expressed as a string composed from the set { c }. We are lucky here that the digital object
has a structural solution and that certain features of our program will
depend on a semantic alignment between the compression dictionary and
that might be given based on category in the form of ontology.
Several innovators envision co-evolution
of behavior
annotation, with compression tokens, in slightly different ways. There are bookkeeping and inferential
aspects to applying the Mill's logic to predicting behavior by
substructural invariance.
Fractal compression/encryption differs in
some respects, but
shares a categorical correspondence.
This categorical similarity suggests ways to automate semantic
within a system that manages compression dictionaries.
A modeling language is needed at each
processing node so
that any model can be expressed as a composition of the elements
of the
language. This concept is the essence of CoreSystem, for example.
The nature of fractals and the nature of
natural expression
has only started to be explored. One is
struck; however, with the idea that is biological expression is subject
to self
similarity at different time scales, then one should be able to develop
a type
of anticipatory algorithm, having real time measurement input. This might be applied to anticipating what
products a market will want.
The MyBank mini-transaction accounting
system that Brad Cox
developed (1994-1999) using J2EE is a back-plate composed from many
individual apparati. We generalize
this back-plate concept so that apparati become generative measurement
Information comes to exist on three levels.
A substructure and an ultra-structure level shape the emergence
interpretation by the humans involved.
The generalized apparati can "unfold" and
‘express" in precisely the same way as David Bohm talks about
implicate order. The universal is
unfolded through the use of a compression table. Then an apparatus
produces a
manifestation of the object at some other place. The
transmission pipes may be very small.
The manifestation is instrumented and can
be measured by
stakeholders to the digital properties involved. Reading
this measurement requires some understanding of
intellectual property issues. Certain
trends in aggregating intellectual property are seen in the Creative
standards. We recommend the Creative
Common standard. The enfolding process
can be instrumented also and used to provide instrumental means over
oriented consumer markets.
The issues are practical and
simple. The language that we need references an "enfolding" of
digital objects into some subset of substructural elements { (c,u) }
where { c
} is a subset of a "generation apparatus". The generative
are all part of the back-plate to a mechanism that records all uses of
information that is so "enfolded", thus providing the 100% solution
to the Digital Rights Management concern.
Systems theory is the proper foundation for the management of digital object exchanges. For example, a service may be seen as a type of exchange between systems. Services can then be defined within an ecosystem of interacting systems. What is needed is an everywhere existing infrastructure that is neutral and has properties that provide optimal transmission with provable security. These properties will serve many purposes, but perhaps none as valuable as the bi-lateral management of intellectual property. Bi-lateral management is between separate entities, and thus the underlying mechanism supporting this management system will reflect natural, and social, reality.
The generation of substructural patterns, in data exchanges, can be seen to produce a means for universal expression similar to the universal expressive power of human phonetics. With a small set of sounds, the spoken language can be used to express almost any type of human communication. Given any one of several methods, the generation of a small set of substructural patterns are expressed in the compression / encryption dictionaries (as seen in CoreTalk, Mark III, and other clean slate Internet system designs). The generation process itself involves the convolution [28] over many instances of events that occur to systems interacting with other systems. Storing the results from convolution mechanisms produces a genealogy over symbol systems (seen in both the Mark III and CoreSystem proto-types).
As in the genealogy that likely produces phonetic expression, similarity of parts over many instances is a key mechanism. Also, as in the genealogy of phonetic expression, the genealogy of these sets of substructural patterns can evolve to accommodate shifts in the intentionality of the communities involved. The development of generative information technology having genealogy has application to the scientific understanding of cell and gene expression. This fact exposes an additional market sector where back plate systems might empower new types of markets.
Rosetta net is an early example of how this might work. CoreSystem is an advanced example of how this might work, as is the Mark III developed by Richard Ballard's group. A fixed framework such as the Zackman framework has a non-evolutionary set of generative capabilities. The evolution of the generative set, e.g., a substructure, and the generation of expression are subject of many works, some of which we are familiar with.
The generic back plate mechanism is itself simple. A convolution is the mechanism by which particulars generate universals. The issue is that the nature of induction, the generation of meaning and the assignment of meaning to symbols sets, has some subtle qualities. How one treats these qualities ends up effecting the agility and usefulness of a service oriented environment.
So again we reflect on the systems theory approach to a provision of a new infrastructure for service definition in the Internet. Service definition is then seen as an orchestration of a generative process involving universals. The notion of convolution may be used to create an induction of symbol systems at three levels of organization, the middle being the event space of services.
Systems theory can then be seen as a stratification theory (Prueitt). These three levels roughly correspond to human memory, awareness and anticipation. It is true that systems theory of this type is considered beyond the average person's ability to understand; however, the behavior of a system properly based on a deep understanding of systems theory will function in a way that is familiar to any human. Thus the theoretical language needs not to be understood by the market. We only need to have products that do new kinds of things.
Intellectual property management is often seen only as something that is properly the concern of the producers of entertainment media designed for mass markets. The generative encapsulated digital object provides a complete solution to the current set of problems for owners of mass distributed intellectual product such as movies or audio files. The way the solution is provided is through the use of a generative object that has a back-office banking system for micro-transactions (Brad Cox). The concept is called SuperDistribution and is described in Dr Cox's book of the same name.
However, there is another side to the intellectual property management concern. Individuals wish to be allowed to actually use the objects for which payment has occurred. Microsoft bundling acted against this concern by requiring the bundled purchase of many products even if one wanted only to use a few. We also see that a purchase of the right to listen to an audio file does not automatically mean that the file will play on the device of choice. A new generation of wireless high definition devices will require a common transmission standard. Such a standard means device independence.
The need to control one's intellectual property might also extend to whom the sender wishes to communicate by e-mail. E-mail can have the property that any attempt to read it by persons not authorized will result in the destruction of the e-mail.
The control over one's information space is even more interesting. In the current markets one has very little control over what kinds of information one may encounter. For example, the Internet is filled with objectionable materials as measured with any of a number of viewpoints. Consumers want selective attention to some things and not to others. For example, a scholar may wish to have a stream of objects with information about certain fields of study. We see this type of service being developed with the RSS feeds.
The clean slate Internet will support point-to-point transmission of gEDOs (generative Encapsulated Digital Objects), and nothing else. These objects will each have a high degree of encryption and compression as well as shared substructural (encryption/compression) dictionaries. The shared dictionaries will be composed of sets of data patterns associated with iconic forms that are viewable by humans and to which humans can assign behavioral properties.
The bi-lateral nature of protection for information generated by a single human, or an organization, may have vulnerabilities. This is a question that Stephenson and Paul have been working on for some time. [29]The question is left open for now. However, legal protection exists that should overlay the clean slate Internet. Some discussions about how this protection might be provided will have to deal with the types of collective intelligence seen from organizations.
There are national security issues, as well as the issues related to the Constitutional protection of basic right to privacy and liberty. The paradigm that is coming is one where digital objects always have owners and owners always have an ability to control well defined and agreed on licenses. The concept of ownership is made simpler by treating all of the issues that come from the nature of agreements about rights. The right of ownership is checked by judicial review in cases where some violation of social agreement is reasonably conjectured.
[1] Prueitt, Paul S (2005) Global Information Framework and Knowledge Management. URL:
[2] Prueitt, Paul S (2007) White Paper Resilience Project. URL:
[3] Prueitt, Paul S. (December 2007) Private document: Research Program.
[4] Gradient descent and steepest descent definition usng wiki: URL
[5] Prueitt, Paul S (web publication) URL:
[6] Finn, Victor (1996a). Plausible Reasoning of JSM-type for Open Domains. In the proceedings of the Workshop on Control Mechanisms for Complex Systems: Issues of Measurement and Semiotic Analysis: 8-12 Dec. 1996
[7] CoreTalk URL :
[8] Prueitt, Paul S (2004) Global Information Framework and Knowledge Management, URL:
[9] Prueitt, Paul S (Oct 2004) See citations in Developing Anticipatory Responses from Thematic Analysis of Social Discourse, proposal to ARDA.
[10] Physicist John Bell: URL :
[11] Approximately 20 M, and 18 to 24 months, is needed for the technology development and test deployment. The first round of about 2M in expenditures is being sought. There are several potential test environments. After the first successful test deployment, a figure of around 200 M is envisioned to capitalize the intellectual property and branding language. This is a business activity, which the author will not address. His role is as senior architect, and senior scientific consultant. His purpose is to clearly define the paradigm, using his own work and his working knowledge of around 20 others all of who are also consulting scientists reporting to him.
[12] Peirce, C. S. wiki definition: URL:
[13] Erl, Thomas (2005) Service-Oriented Architecture. Prentice Hall
[14] The Second Scool web site: URL
[15] Rosen, Robert Wiki definition URL:
[16] Gibson J. J. URL:
[17] Benjamin Whorf: Wiki:
[18] Cox, Brad (1991) (1991) Object Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach. Addison Wesley
[19] Cubism: Wiki definition: URL
[20] Prueitt, Paul S (1999): Interpretation of the logic of J. S. Mill, in Foundations for Knowledge Science in the Twenty-first Century on line book by Prueitt. URL:
[21] Unified Logical Vision of C. S. Peirce
[22] As in so many other cases, the language is actually misleading. The digital object produces a seed that is then moved to a new location and the object grown in the new location. In biology the reproduction of the phenotype using seeds depends on there being a genotype and an environment in which phenotypes are the particular expression of genotype in a specific environment and place.
[23] Ballard, Richard. The design of the Mark III is only partially public. URL:
logic as
seen in the SchemaLogic software suite developed by Brianna Anderson
[25] Second School URL:
[26] Krieg, Peter. The Pile System architecture.
[27] Pribram, K. H. (1991). Brain and Perception: Holonomy and Structure in Figural Processing. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
[28] Convolution: wiki definition: URL
[29] Prueitt, Paul and Peter Stephenson. "Towards a Theory of Cyber Attack Mechanics." First IFIP 11.9 Digital Forensics Conference. Orlando, FL, 2005.