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Monday, July 03, 2006


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The metaphor between gene, cell and social expression  à [217]

On Formal verses Natural systems à [206]

Link to education commons à [***]


Generative Methodology Glass Bead Games








Dear IA community (e-forum) and colleagues


(If you wish to join this discussion, please join the iai e-forum)






My core work is in aggregating conceptual structure, harvested from many web sites (weblogs, news feeds etc) to create a dynamic mapping of the social discourse.



I do try to bring threads of thought together from different groups.  This is purposeful in nature.   My techniques and technology deals with the linguistic and semantic extraction of a sign system that integrates many localized statements as a function of time, and aggregates these localized sign systems into a single global measurement of the social discourse as a function of time.




The simplified concept of a digital Glass Bead Game is expressed at:



(the three links at the bottom talks about the quantum cognitive neuroscience from my mentor Karl Pribram..






I resigned (Jan 2005) from relationships with the US government because of the blatant and open profiteering and stupidity of DoD / Intell funding and attention.  I have discussed this issue with several US Senators, and stand willing to testify about the specifics.  But it seems to me that evidence of ubiquitous war profiteering is not in short supply in 2006, and this testimony is not what I wish to be involved in.  I only want to advance my technology and my life, or not. I no longer care about the future.  Living in the present seems proper. 


As a general proposition, I hold that the government is merely reflecting a more global social phenomenon - related to what is really a type of extreme form of "scientific reductionism" / "religious and economic fundamentalism"  where the emergent and now stable "system" wants individuals not to be globally concerned with what is "non-locally" instantiated as social reality.  This is a memetic type protection of the system from the more complex realities that are being systemically ignored (health care, education, response to natural events, etc)


This re-enforced ignorance of the natures of (postulated) non-local social fields is then (I postulate) (often unconsciously) exploited by those who have accumulated money and political/autocratic power. (The use of this power is like what we see in the US Federal CIO Council - example is Brand Newmann whom I cc).  If he would like to comment, he is welcome to.


Stating truth to power is not easy, but sometimes we feel we must try.  



A formal definition of "state", "state transition", and "system" is known to be problematic.  So these issues cannot be made "simple" if the audience is not receptive and does not have the required knowledge.  For this I apologize:


transcripts of a recent teleconference talk (15 mins)



I believe that the social/economic/political system is bound together by a specific (measurable) non-locality (social appreciative fields) in which indirect cause is playing the role of maintaining system stability.  We are in a feedback loop for which "simultaneous policy" may be the only way to get out of this feedback loop between capitalism and the process of democracy.  Use goggle on "simultaneous policy".   Capitalism in its rawest form now controls the US political process and the media.  This locked down feedback control mechanism was not anticipated by the Founding Fathers of the US democracy. 


So how to control capitalism? The simultaneous policy discussions (world wide) is addressing this need for social transformation. 


Individual communities are often creating "stove pipes" and the status quo of the over all stove piped social discourse has some benefits as well as some limitations to "enlightened" awareness of who we are as a humanity and where we are in terms of the problems that need to be addressed - many of these problems we are not addressing in a complete way.


My opinion.  I have stated this precisely and also claim that this statement has not anything about me as an individual.  I also am sure that I am wrong on every account.  (smiles)


Paul S Prueitt





posted also at:

