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This is great. I have demonstrated that cultural evolution, being a purposeful system, does contain the AIC relationships.  In a very sketchy outline -  our need for survival in different starting conditions produced the three major global culture types


-         cold countries - white people - struggle against the environment (nature), therefore control centered orientation.

-         Africa hot climate - dark skin, primary survival problem not its beneficent  environment but the people over the hill - therefore relationships - or influence oriented. 

-         Asians - long trek from Africa to the Arctic, Americas and Asia - group cohesion - therefore appreciation.


(This insight is based on the work of Edward J Nicholls of the Institute of Mental Health)   


< a comment on the fractal nature of memetic science>


Human cultural evolution can be seen as the need to integrate all three.  America, is then not a bounded country, but a global cultural happening in which we have an appreciative part on the West Coast, an influence part in the South and a control part on the East Coast (By serendipity ??? I have three children, one in each part and they are Eurasian). Even though America has an overlay of a controlling culture because of its white origins, it has become the influence centre for global cultural development.


We have to live up to this by taking a global perspective in everything we do.


This integration will take place as we have evolved forms of appreciative governance (this is often achieved on a small scale but not yet on a large scale. Susan Turnbull's efforts in a very control-centered department of government are a micro version of what appreciative centered governance at large could achieve)


The developed countries are still struggling to understand influenced centered governance - hence our imperfect democracy, overly influenced by the privileged. 


The National project, along with the current interest in Spirituality, is another sign of the emergence of the appreciative centered level - the true democracy of knowledge shared appreciatively - will provide a basis for appreciative centered governance. 




William E. Smith PhD www.odii.com