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< a comment on the fractal nature of memetic science>


There is a need to talk about the fractal nature of AIC models, and the nature of terminology variation when there is a shift in conversational context.  The need is critical so that what Bill is saying is not misunderstood because someone is behaving poorly and fails to apply a deeper set of understandings that what is explicitly said in Bill's note.


a tag is inserted at this point of "affordance"



the notion of a bead game is to create a semantic artifact that is LIKE the Orb graphs but which is more Peircean in this precise sense of semantic affordance (something that leads to something else).


How this bead game comes into being is a question that Nathan and I are struggling with now, this week. 


The hope is that the “syntagmatic” Orbs can be seen to provide a precise measurement of co-occurrence and that the convolution of syntagmatic Orbs into semantic Orbs can be figured out.  We do not know specifically how to do this at this time.