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ORB Visualization




We feel that the Actionable Intelligence Process Model might find some use in the development of memetic materials detection. 




The cyclic iteration and the involvement of human cognitive acuity are essential, to an approach that we have called HIP (Human Information Production). 




The difference between methods of analysis such as data mining and knowledge discovery in databases and the Orb technology needs to be revealed.  It is not an easy issue.


A brief discussion with several mathematicians lead me to review again the work on what is called microarray data mining.  The microarray itself is a silicon chip with microelectrodes and processor elements.  The chips are indeed an innovative and challenging technology.  But the data mining tools are less well understood and perhaps our common understanding of such tools is where the deeper challenges are.  Perhaps a sub-group can be formed to talk about the actual state of the mathematics and formal structure, including ontology. 




Data mining and knowledge discovery in database tools are well understood, but “how” they might assist in the development of empirical science is not clear.  We can bring forward some results that need to be peer reviewed by core science communities.  No one has a firm hold on how mathematics comes to support information awareness.  Part of our task is to address this issue within an eminent community.


How does data mining become science?


I was fortunate to participate with neurobiologist Gunter Gross at Univ of North Texas on growing neurons on IT micro-sensor arrays (in 1987 - 1988) where we were trying to develop new mathematical models, based on Ising models, that explained how hippocampus cells from baby rats grow in a medium and begin to form an interacting process field.


The work was published in the journal "complex systems" and then later in "neural networks".  I make some reference to some extended notes on the mathematics of emergence in a draft chapter I have ...  on such things.




section four.


And then the work kind of trails off into things like quasi axiomatic theory (because the foundational observations change radically and need a new logic for "inference) and Qualitative Structure Activity Relationship (Q-SAR) - which is still a very esoteric field in which the structure/function relationship is examined in cases where same structure is used by a complex process in an ecosystem to fulfill different functions depending on affordance.


I am not suggesting that I know all of the work in this area.  I do not.  But a community of perhaps 12 – 15 would be able to make proper judgments about the current issues given our recent past and or current national need.