Design Document for Automated Suggestive Reasoning




September 10, 2000

Revised April 27, 2003


Internal Ontology Stream Inc Document

All Rights Reserved














Section 1: Market definition


1.1: Graph theory and a “Unifying Logical Vision”

1.2: Suggestion Reasoning Object (SRO)


Section 2: Descriptive enumeration


2.1: The methodology of descriptive enumeration, use cases

2.2: A methodology for constructing structures


Section 3: An extension of natural language


3.1: Extending the ability to communicate

3.2: Automated suggestive reasoning as a many-to-one projection








Design Document for Automated Suggestive Reasoning


September 10, 2000

Revised April 27, 2003


All Rights Reserved



The purpose of this document is to bring into one place our thoughts about innovation and computer software developed to bring specific innovations into a market.  We then extend some fundamental principles to show a consistency between routing and retrieval technology and our current intuitions.


The First Knowledge Sharing Core [1] is a project that is bringing several patented innovations together to demonstrate Information Production [2] capability.


Section 1: Market definition


In the last century, foundational work on information technology was extensive, and yet critically fragmented by unsettled philosophical issues.  The fragmentation was not properly managed largely due to the world’s scholarly community not having a standard formal understanding of what information is.  Similar confusion exists in the scholarly community over what human knowledge is.


Some scholars now express the view that, because of these confusions, the world’s ecological-business system has yet to make a full transition from a primarily industrial age to a pure knowledge age.  This historical perspective brings light on how the emergence of knowledge technology markets is being inhibited.


It is clear that deeply rooted information control will continue to have a deep effect on economics and society.  During the closing decades of the twentieth century, computer science has dominated discussions with business process re-engineering, expert systems, and knowledge management.


Promises have been marginally meet, and more is expected than delivered.  For many, this observed impedance mismatch, between promised and expected, leads to the question:


What is the relationship between the deeply rooted control of information and the mal-performance of first generation information technology?”


BCNGroup founders [3] have developed an historical view over this question.  The first generation information technology was built based on analogies to specific scientific paradigms.  These paradigms enforce a viewpoint that requires complexity to be modeled in a purely reductionist fashion.  Reduce to rules.  Reduce to processes.  Reduce to knowledge.  In spite of the low hanging fruit, this foundational work is incorrect in the limit.  Taken as a limiting strategy the reduction of all things to a computer program forms the basis for the artificial intelligence mythology [4].


Information Technology exists because of the commercial success of Information Technology companies.  The problems of the client are important to the degree sufficient to meet market expectations, but expectations were low. 


We claim that the primary reason for the development of the culture of Information Technology is the absence of a standard understanding about information and about human knowledge.


Several technologies are positioned to achieve the significant breakthrough we anticipate [1].  Some examples of how these technologies integrate together are derived from representational theory and from new data encoding patents.  These technologies are consistent with each other, and in line with other patents that provide protection for our innovations.


For automated suggestive reasoning, the breakthrough technology is the tri-level architecture [5].  Data encoding and representational theory is core to this technology [6].  The architecture requires that events (the middle level) be separated from context (the upper level) and dis-aggregated into a memory core (a substructural level). The trilevel is used in the context of a navigational aid within the computer addressable world [7] of locally defined informational fragments and structures.


The First Knowledge Sharing Core is to be the first example of the integration of these innovations in support of Information Production [1].


1.1: Graph theory and a “Unifying Logical Vision”


The phrase “Ontology Stream” is used as a noun to indicate a virtual communication space where taxonomies and concept maps are moved about within an XML peer-to-peer environment.  We are developing a new technology called Information Production via ontology streaming.


We can regard a node as a location within the taxonomy, or more generally a location within the structures of the ontology (such as an generalized conceptual construct structure).  The ontology appears to “stream” as the user/program moves from one location to the next.  The experience may have textual, symbolic or auditory form.


A user/program experiences representations of knowledge during this motion. Underlying formalisms can express a calculus of over encoded data structures as a system of metrics on knowledge representational changes.


The formal tokens of a traversal path are a measure of the history of the use of structures within the ontology. At any one location, the user/program’s actual path within the ontology is a simple connected graph, actually the concatenation of a number of line segments.   However, the location itself has various routes from that node to other locations in the ontology (see Figure 1b).  The tokens of the path are indications of the thought processes engaged by the user/program.



Figures 1a and 1b: A Peircean graph (a) is used to enumerate the possible future paths (b) of a traversal of the structures of ontology


The CCM construct [6] is a structure that frames the tokens of machine-readable ontology in a specific fashion.  This special structure has a correspondence to the way human natural language is written.  In the CCM generalized conceptual construct, parts of speech are loosely organized into sections and subsections, and into paragraphs and topics.  The correspondence between the structures of the generalized conceptual construct and written language facilitates the projection of an automatically generated report; written as natural language, or in some database format, or as a XML stream.


Automated Suggestive Reasoning can be projected because much of the structure of real time cognitive reasoning is represented in computer addressable form.


Automated Suggestive Reasoning within a structured taxonomy depends on having:


1)      a usable representation of a history of taxonomy traversals, and

2)      special nodes in the taxonomy where some judgment is anticipated. 


The representational issue can be solved in simple or more complex fashion.  Randomly assigned, semantically pure, tokens can be used for representation, and still give the user the feeling that the software knows the needs of the user/program.


Taxonomy traversal is one way to establish context.  The history gives the location a temporary context.  Different histories can lead to the same location.  The location plus the context is changed, from one event to the next.  The location itself can be said to “afford” moving from the location to one of a set of other locations.  This affordance is represented well as a Peircean existential graph (see Figure 1a).


The tri-level architecture is an extension of the logics of C. S. Peirce (1839 – 1917).  This extension adds the notion of environmental, or contextual, information.  The logic of Peirce is bi-level, substructural and compounds, and reflects his 19th century training in chemistry.  What has been missing from his work and from work on computational emergence, are the notions of social-affective information [8] that constrains the aggregation of atoms into compounds. This constraint is mapped as bases of attraction [2]


Simple traversal of the nodes of an ontology using the tri-level architecture has been prototyped.  The prototypes, done in 1997 and 1998, show an interesting personalization of a path an individual takes while visiting a series of nodes in a structured taxonomy.  The personalization is an aggregation of context, only partially captured by the aggregation of representational tokens during the traversal. The human keeps some of the personalization as awareness of situation. 


We will not report the full results now, since some work needs to be done to reproduce previously discovered traversal characteristics and to discuss the science of interaction between an evolving image of self and an evolving knowledge representation of context. 


The bottom line is that a user gets the feeling that the software knows the needs of the user/program.  The 1997-1998 prototypes told us (Prueitt, Murray and Kugler) that this bottom line could be achieved easily using the trilevel architecture and very simple token representational algorithms.  Specifically the members of the community of knowledge scientists are inventing various means to representation that we feel are “semantically pure” and simple to implement. The First Knowledge Sharing Core [1] is demonstrating some of these innovations.


The selection of the next location to visit is made using the simple voting procedure described in Prueitt’s published work. This selection process requires that each of the possible next locations have a representation that is aggregated from a core memory set.  This core memory is the atomic invariances that are used across the entire enterprise to represent locations, histories and categories.  The core memory, like human memory, is developed so that it has the property that any experience or system state can be operationally represented by some composition, or aggregation, of some subset of the set of all core memory elements.  Data-morphic transformations of these compositions are possible and quite simple.


The core memory elements can be thought of as atomic, in a direct analogy to the atomic elements of the periodic table of atoms.  Some 90 years ago, C. S. Peirce called this analogy the “unifying logical vision” or ULV.  The ULV was then extended, specifically by a segment of the Russian cybernetics community, and made richer with Mill’s logic and situational semiotics.  Other citations of scholarship indicate that the ULV is a core understanding that is really required to build knowledge technologies.  The ULV is the minimal complexity that is required to establish the scientific grounding for the trilevel architecture.


1.2: Suggestive Reasoning Object (SRO)


Our strategy is to implement the minimal infrastructure necessary to demonstrate the feasibility of operational and flexible automated suggestive reasoning in the context of generalized conceptual construct based inductions.  The generalized conceptual construct’s internal data structure has what we describe as a general class of “affordance indicators”.  A question is one subclass of affordance indication, since the question affords an answer or answers. These questions may be given a-priori resources required to activate automatic suggestive reasoning.


If simple resources are available to a question container, it is possible to call the Suggestive Reasoning Object (SRO) and receive a plausibility measure for each of the possible answers. The interface for showing this measure will be discussed now.  If a human is navigating conceptual constructs (existing as machine readable ontology such as Topic Maps) then a comparison to actually chosen affordance indicators (such as answers) are encoded as structural transforms that build and preserve history dependencies using evolving transformation systems [10].


Here are six types of functions or data structures that we need.

1)      Initialization

a.       Establish a category spectrum (policy) for each selected question

b.      Set representational control options

1. Represent in semantic free form

2. Represent with linguistic technology (Oracle ConText, Semio, VisualText)

3. Represent with Bayesian/Shannon algorithms (Autonomy)

4. Represent with stratified vetting (Tacit Knowledge Systems, SchemaLogic Inc.)

2)      Memory Core

a.       Set representational algorithms (initially semantic free)

b.      Develop fundamental set of tokens

3)      Recall

a.       Make representation for any history, event or category

b.      Validate representational structure (SchemaLogic Inc, Topic Maps)

4)      Spectrum

a.       Called by the container object only in specific cases

b.      Stores the category representations for selected questions

5)      Histories

a.       XML file description of histories

b.      Show histories using graphs

6)      Management

a.       Add/delete or modify questions nodes to the set of nodes equipped with automated suggestive reasoning

b.      Make manual changes to representations of events, locations or histories.


Semantic connectivity within a set of tokens is an issue of great importance.  Our memory core is a simple numerical spectrum, having no intrinsic relationship between tokens.  A deep methodology for constructing “semantic free” spectrums is discussed in our patent preparations.  The alternative representational methodology is standard word phrase (or n-gram) tokenization of events. The Continuous Connection Model (CCM) concept definition is grounded in the 1994 and 1997 ATS patents [6].


In word phrase tokenization, the inherited meaning for words is subject to interpretation errors and shifts in context. Humans give inherited meaning when we think and converse.  The unsolved problem with automated linguistic tokenization is that proper generation of tokens is subject to subtle errors (Oracle ConText and Semio).  By converting tokens into semantic free symbols, we avoid characteristic mistakes made by systems like Autonomy, Tacit Knowledge Systems, and Semio Inc.


The tri-level algorithms then create a formative ontology that is constrained by semantic valances and human inspection.  The simplest of these algorithms is the minimal voting procedure [11]. The more sophisticated algorithms are SLIP [12] and quasi-axiomatic theory [13].


Section 2: Descriptive enumeration


This section focuses specifically on the evolution of an objective methodology for developing generalized conceptual construct structures.  We envision this methodology as the basis for certification programs and for consulting income to the community of knowledge scientists.


Our Consulting Methodology has three components:


1)      A methodology for constructing generalized conceptual construct structures

2)      A methodology designed to open doors within properly identified markets, and to negotiate the initial conditions for business enterprise implementation.

3)      A Certification program


Currently we have work on the Methodology for Implementation of Consulting Methodology. In addition to certification for the Methodology for Implementation of Consulting Methodology, we have work on a curriculum for training Information Technology professionals in all aspects of product design, metrics and maintenance.


However, these components are not directly addressed in this Design Document. We find it important now only to indicate the relevance of these other two components when we frame the scope of automated suggestive reasoning.


The central concept of the methodology is the enumeration of topics.  The enumeration is fitted into a generalized conceptual construct topic hierarchy. In Section 2.1, we have some use cases that suggest how enumeration proceeds.  In Section 2.2 we have a description of issues that frame the development of a generalized conceptual construct within the business environment.


Section 2.1 and 2.2 bring into the Design Document the background necessary to understand how our innovation is viewed. This background sets the stage for seeing automated suggestive reasoning in the context of a technology extension for human communication. 

2.1: The methodology of descriptive enumeration, use cases


This section is modified from a June 27th, 2000 document, “Modeling within the Enterprise”.  User/program and program must work together.


C-1: Create generalized conceptual construct framework and containers (the dialog tree)


C-1.1: Work top down to create the generalized conceptual construct framework and containers

C-1.1.1: A user/program works top-down, completing all top sections first and then all parts of the next level of organization. 

C-1.1.2: At each level the user/program attempts to fulfill informal completeness and independence conditions. 

C-1.1.3: Finally the user/program develops topics under each of the lowest level of the tree structure. 


C-1.2: Work bottom up to create the generalized conceptual construct framework and containers

C-1.2.1: The user/program develops a set of questions such as a questionnaire or instructional type test.

C-1.2.2:  For each question, user/program develops topics and auxiliary information that is related to the question.

C-1.2.3:  A clustering algorithm routs topics into bins (categories) and these bins identified with a concept

C-1.2.4: Category bins are allowed to dynamically evolve as new topics/questions are introduced.

C-1.2.5:  A clustering algorithm clusters bin representation into higher levels of organization.


C-1.3: Mix working bottom up and top down to create the generalized conceptual construct framework and containers

C-1.3.1: The use develops the structure by working either top-down (C-1.1) or bottom up (C-1.2)

C-1.3.2:  Two partial generalized conceptual construct frameworks with containers might be merged into one.


C-1.4: During this process (C-1.3) the user/program will specify some or all of the properties of each of the containers as the tree is extended and populated.  


C-1.5: after all of the topics are developed, user/program attaches questions to each topic.


C-1.6: in some cases, user/program re-contextualizes specific topics or question containers and these containers are made accessible from different locations in the ending tree structure.


2.2: A methodology for constructing generalized conceptual construct structures


The following issues characterize the development of a generalized conceptual construct:


1)      A survey and interview methodology produces an enumeration of information flow events within an enterprise.

a.       It is noted that an event is not simply something that occurs, but something that occurs on a regular basis

b.      Regularly occurring events are found via frequency analysis and co-occurrence metrics. This principle is central to classical data-mining methods

c.       Humans identify regularly occurring events.  The knowledge of these events can be communicated using natural language or (now) a generalized conceptual construct structure.


2)      An information flow model is developed to include both computer information exchanges as well as information exchanged during human conversation. 

a.       The information model is acquired through professional systems analysis

b.      This analysis provides a stand-alone value similar to Business Process Re-engineering consulting services

c.       The ability to conduct survey and interviews and to do the systems analysis is an ability that we enhance and then certify.


3)      Systems analysis leads to the identification of events where a generalized conceptual construct provides structured communication of knowledge between stakeholders. 

a.       Structured generalized conceptual construct communication brings reminders to stakeholders as to what knowledge is useful in making judgments

b.      The regular vetting of judgments via a generalized conceptual construct knowledge structure provides accountability when measured against outcome metrics

c.       The generalized conceptual construct reduces the time required to make a full reporting of analysis and judgments


Section 3: An extension of natural language


Classes of technologies exist that support the advanced management of knowledge representation.  Our intuition anticipates integrating these technologies into a single enterprise system with products as a core feature.


3.1: Extending the ability to communicate


We take the position that the generalized conceptual construct internal structure provides an extending technology to human communication.  This is a simple claim. 


Communication that uses generalized conceptual construct structures is different from conversation with spoken language in that generalized conceptual construct communication can be one-to-many or many-to-one.  One-to-many is accomplished sometimes, but many-to-one requires some new capability.  In our viewpoint, many-to-one communication will be accomplished through concept aggregation and automated vetting of community viewpoints.  In the following sections on suggestive reasoning we begin to unfold how this is accomplished using semantically pure knowledge representation, the trilevel architecture, and the voting procedure.


The trilevel architecture is capable of pushing and pulling information about “people, places and things” and to do so in a way that is computationally simpler and, in theory, functionally superior to the push and pull technology used by Tacit Knowledge Systems, Autonomy and Semio.  The year 2000 value of this market space exceeds 6 Billon dollars. 


Our current product does not, however, compete in the Autonomy market space.  We are looking forward into a new space that is characterized by knowledge discovery, knowledge use, and knowledge sharing.  This new space is just becoming defined. We have the unique opportunity to establish an early presence.  Our current intellectual work and patent policies are directed at establishing this presence.


Interpretation and generation of human knowledge is facilitated by an automation of how humans create the generalized conceptual construct structure and how questions are answered.  This creative process forces human thought to conform within a form (the generalized conceptual construct internal structure) that can then be algorithmically transformed.  The structure, like human language, is not knowledge unless perceived in the mind of an individual.


A difference between human conversation and generalized conceptual construct knowledge sharing is due to “form-based” computational processes.  We theorize these processes will be accomplished using data-morphosis. 


The “technology” for data-morphosis is an expression of our research and the work of certain scholars. Within the formalization of the theory, data is seen to transform into knowledge experience within a second order semantic control system.  The scholarship (of Pribram, Bohm, Maturana, Varela, etc) supports this notion. 


3.2: Automated suggestive reasoning as a many to one projection


Automated reasoning is now seen as an aggregation of the representation of past events.  The notion of time is not so important here.  Thus we can aggregate over responses that arrive from many people.  Many-to-one structural coupling flow from principles developed within the ontologyStream technology.  Knowledge is projected from many-to-one, and from the past-to-the-present.