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Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Manhattan Project to Integrate Human-centric Information Production


Ontology referential base (Orb) basic Notational Paper (2003)

Stratified complexity and the origin of mental/social events, (Prueitt 2002)


Previous highly related beads [43]. [44]  [45]  [46]  ŕ




Conjecture justifying a National Project


A discussion between information scientists





It is an interesting metaphor which I would *like* to be true, but I'm having trouble making the idea concrete.


Could you take a particular type of complex system (say, an ecosystem, a human body, a yeast cell, or a business) and explain to me what are some of the particular "atoms" involved in that system, and what are some of their valences/affordances?










Two examples,


The first is the entire chemical strata of the physical universe.  The substructure for that stratum is the set of 101 atoms in the periodic table for chemistry. 


The second example is conjectural, and you have not been given direct evidence of the type that is necessary.  This is why we need a special project.  I invite you to join in the call of this project and to be involved as a principal. 


This second example is the entire strata for human language. 


Dmitri Pospelov talked with me privately about how important this second example was to VINTI in the former Soviet Union. 


Readware appears to have made a first outline of the elements, and have organized these elements into a simple (algebraic) array.  The array operates in a fashion similar to the LSI (Latent Semantic Index) algebraic array, which you and I are familiar with.


For the Readware "table" input parsing is not at the word/(text unit) level but there is a collapse of words into one of around 4,000 categories, each being represented by a single string of three letters (consonants).  The consonants map to pure language primitives that were reinforced by the culture that spoke “ancient” Arabic.  The invariance of the substructure in Arabic and other language groups is conjectured, based on the affordance/valance arguments that can be stated in ecological physics terminology. 


Readware Precision/recall metrics have been show at TIPSTER and MUCK competitions, but the NIST community largely marginalizes the results.  (This should not surprise anyone who knows the NIST history in this regard.)


So the LSI transform, if run over text for a long period of time and sampling text from many historical periods might produce a mathematical model.  This mathematical model has "basins of attraction" that, conjecturally, would have a strong homology to the Readware table. 


The presence of a period table for a stratum of phenomenon requires the phenomenon of stratification of physical processes into organizational strata, the Process Compartment Hypothesis.  At the substructure, there is a categorization of the rich phenomenon at that level by the set of affordances that the level “above” imposes.  Levels at differentiated by time scale.


So stratified theory is necessary to understand where the periodic tables might be found.  Clearly quantum mechanics informs us that the quantum layer is "separated" from the chemical layer by a gap.  So these gaps are indicators as to where a stratum exists.