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Thursday, September 02, 2004


Manhattan Project to Integrate Human-centric Information Production



Stratified complexity and the origin of mental/social events, (Prueitt 2002)




Conjecture on Stratification



A translation of some of the materials from unpublished Pospelov papers (likely data is early 1990s), held in the BCNGroup archives, and translated recently as a communication to this bead tread. 


Relations serve to establish the connections on sets of notions or sets of identified notions. The very identification is realized with the help of special relation, the meaning of which is “having a name” or “be named.”


There is a hypothesis about finiteness of sets for natural languages.


It is supposed that the number of different non-convertible to each other relations is no bigger than 200.


The other relations, fixed in the texts written in a natural language, can be reduced to a combination of these BASIC RELATIONS.


In any case, while building the knowledge models for controlling real objects, we always deal with finite number of different notions, names, and relations. In a chart below there are examples of some basic relations.



Type of relation

Name of relation



Be simultaneously

Be before



Be in E-neighborhood

Be there

Be behind



Move to



Be an element of a class




Serve for

Be an obstacle for

Have a state

Participate in a process



Be a goal

Be a cause



Have a name


The story of what developed in the cybernetic movement 1050 – 1994 in the former Soviet Union is largely untold.  The work that was done on semantic primitives has yet to be examined completely.


In any case, the key issue that Prueitt has posed is the Conjecture on Stratification.  How this Conjecture might be grounded in the history of Soviet cybernetics and various Western science literatures is something that we are leaving to others to reveal.