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May 7, 2005




Anticipatory Web thread




On the discussion of data regularity à  

 On the Stephenson Cyber Attack Taxonomy  à




Interesting Exchange


ß John’s note




It is not really about funding - that is a separate issue.  And $750 K is small dollars in the arena that we are looking at.  But funding is really not the key issue.


The key issue is in correcting some specific concepts that have come out of computer science.  Today, as you know, we have an AI academic community that pretends as if what has been developed for engineering and classical physics with Hilbert mathematics and first order logics will be found sufficient for the life sciences.


This is why we have developed the language "second school of semantic science", "AI Polemic" and similar phrases (like HIP).  Will we succeed where others like Robert Rosen and Roger Penrose have failed?


I believe that scientific realism will be successful, over time.


It is easy, for lots of reasons, to see the discussion get off course. 


We are talking about general system behaviors, not conspiracy.   





