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4/1/2004 11:13 AM


Figure: Shifting attention




Task D cannot be done before Task B.  Task B is “getting the science correct”.  Task D is having an intelligence vetting system that works.




Some recent information on Biomind technology is in the white papers at http://www.biomind.com/concepts.htm .  Feel free to point folks to this page on the Biomind site if they want information on Biomind.


Of course, I like the idea of technologies like yours and mine getting funded on a pure R&D basis, and of the Manhattan Project for Knowledge Sciences. 






We agree that pure R&D could be done, but that is not the objective of the National Project.  The Diagram above is one I have used in the past to discuss the consequences of a past attempts to address knowledge management. 


As you have pointed out, education is needed to shift the funding decisions to something more valuable to society, including a deeper form of AI theory and a simpler form of collective intelligence technology.


The objective of the Technology Collaboration is to require that the incumbent intelligence technology companies mix the underlying technology and to allow an evolution of that technology base over a six-month period of time.  During this time, the pure scientists would be in charge.  But newly generated Intellectual Property has to provide a win-win return on investment for the CEOs.   


The plan is simple.  Not everyone will participate, but for those that do there are rewards.


The National Project is focused on developing a curriculum.   


Rural Safe Nets are proposed to enable broad based rural economic re-development. 


Proper Instrumentation/measurement followed by encoding/representation observes some aspects of the real world and if done properly, the structure of events in that part of the natural world is mirrored by categorical abstractions and procedural models expressed in computable formalism.     


The levels of resolution are observed to be fractal – exhibiting self-similarity at the various levels.  The presence of self-similarity at various levels of data encoding is observed (by a few, including Tim Berners Lee).  But the causes of the stratification of occurrences of invariance lie outside of computer science. 


Because there are very few pure scientists with security clearances, a real world problem has to be selected carefully.  Here we violate one of the operating rules of the current economic equilibrium, which forces all work to address the problem of the day for the Director of Army Intelligence, or someone like that. 


We are suggesting to that aggregation of blogs be developed as an integral part to new grass roots movement.  The blogs are to be selectively harvested and the thematic structure of the social discourse represented as a dynamic Topic Map, using the new tools to be developed in the Technology Collaboration.   


Because an important database exists produced from web spider harvests of web sites across the Islamic world, we also recommend that this database be made available for historians and political scholars.  This is an option.


So the two tasks that we propose as targets of investigation for the Technology Collaboration are,


1)     (self) selected participant blogs


2)     the so called J-39 database of Islamic web postings (all in English) since June 2001 (optional)


Both of these “targets of investigation” are the point of the research.  The evolution of the computer based tools and methodology for collaborative intelligence will be driven by these two tasks. 


The Technology Collaboration is a practical test of what we own collectively in all of the intelligence technologies invested in by the federal government. 



We founded, in 1997, a Not for Profit Foundation

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