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ORB Visualization






Terminological and linguistic draft

measures of the evolution of catalytic indexical


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it was said:


What kind of measurements and linkages will be made to socio-ecological conditions associated with the "keywords?"


One has to define some term a bit here.  The socio-ecological conditions are characterized by


1)       categories of affordances (J. J. Gibson, Robert Shaw and Michael Turvey’s notion has defined in the field of ecological psychology – Univ Conn) where these affordances are the things that are made possible by the interactions within the social, psychological and ecological environments.

2)       The formation and use of natural language and gestures within the social system


So it CANNOT be A keyword !!!


It has to be a pattern of occurrences of words.  (Not withstanding Richard Ballard’s claim that some non-language set of indicators can be used to better signify subject matter.)  (I am conjecturing here.)


This occurrence of words is measured, pretty well, by the n-gram convolutions in the construction of the Orbs. 


Of course the generalized n-gram would be a more perfect measurement.   But, perhaps clearly, the upper fixed taxonomies as I have defined this in my work for the FCC is not only sufficient for government work, but is likely to be almost everything one would need to get a high resolution, 96% precision-recall subject matter retrieval.


The 4% can be important.  It is here where things can be done out of sight.


The only problem that is left to be resolved is the ambiguation/disambiguation of subject indicators and the reconciliation of terminology differences when different communities use the same terms.   For that we use my method


notational system


And the SchemaLogic server:

