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Terminological and linguistic draft

measures of the evolution of catalytic indexical


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it was said:


Can’t it be intuitively understood that there will be drift?  It seems like the hypothesis should test an easily understood analogy of an important real world problem for the results to have high memetic value


Easily understood is not necessarily the criterion, but we can do that.  In fact this is done in the J-39 system developed by LIWA and INSCOM and discussion in the paper:


Knowledge Technologies and the Asymmetric Threat


The intuition that there is drift is immediate to everyone who reflects on how thought develops and how social communication develops.  So why is there even a pause on developing computer technology that detects terminological draft (reference to work of Fiona Citkina – a BCNGroup Founder on Soviet technologies designed to measure the drift of meaning related to terminology in scientific communities (1952 – 1998) )


The answer to why we have paused here is that computers have not been show to be able to DO those kinds of things that are easy for any human to do.  See.  Be aware.  Make an inference that is grounded in the full capabilities of being human. 


The folks who sells software systems based on the AI mythology or some related silliness are simply not completely informed about what has been done or not done with cognitive engineering and the like.  What we are looking for is a why to educate them as to why intelligence systems do not work as they “should”. 


Conjecture on the intelligence failure