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ORB Visualization




2/24/2004 10:45 AM


Communication regarding proposals returning rural areas to stable agrarian  communities


Return to the founding agrarian spirit of America



This new beadgame is designed to bring forward the designs and intellectual property that will help rural communities re-new family oriented farm culture in areas now dominated by political dysfunction. 



"My life, I resolved, ought to be a perpetual transcending, a progression from stage to stage, I wanted to pass through one area after the next, leaving each behind, as music moves from theme to theme, from tempo to tempo, plating each out to the end, completing each and leaving it behind, never tiring, never sleeping, forever wakeful, forever in the present. I had noticed that such stages exist, and that each successive period in ones life bears within itself, as it is approaching its end, a note of fading and eagerness for death. That in turn leads to shifting to a new area, to awakening and new beginnings.


P.368. the Glass Bead Game.