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Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process


4/26/2004 6:41 PM


The path forward

On the design of micro-farm ecosystem


Sustainable and environmentally beneficial

biomass conversion technologies


Mission: Cause the formation of a distributed micro-farm co-op having between 10 - 30 micro-farms located in various places in Clarke County, Virginia.  Each micro-farm will be privately owned (owned by a Clarke County citizen not by a non-resident Corporation) and operated by the owner.  The individual micro-farms may have more than one product, but in most cases the products will be an application of sustainable and environmentally beneficial biomass conversion technologies


This system of micro farms will be organized around the county governance so as to reflect long held local cultural values.


Other County-based Rural Safe Nets will come into being using a type of franchise template.  The franchise will provide consistency and recognizable branding language, such as Trademarks.  


The Virtual Art Museum is one parallel system where economic benefits can be derived.  The Virtual Museum will allow the display of painting in rooms within the MUD.


Other uses will be educational.


For pictures of one of the advanced MUDS see bead [14]



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