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Technology Collaboration






4/5/2004 2:35 PM






we have a very short post that characterizes a community consensus about RDF, first order predict logics, and computability. 


But other community consensus has been developed regarding the incompleteness of the three statements made.  An alternative has been sought by a few, and by alternative I mean one that can be considered as a second voice - not one that takes a radical position that RDF is useless.  Our position is that RDF is important and valuable, but not an all purpose human knowledge representation “standand”.


I know that there are various responses being developed to the questions raised in the Intelligence Technology Evaluation Bead Thread


[Intelligence technology evaluation home]


and we look forward to getting them placed.  We do this manually now, but over the next few months more and more automation will be created.


As indicated at:




we indicate an automation process that will invite new participants into the BCNGroup Bead Game, using a web harvesting procedure.  It is true that the BCNGroup is trying right now to develop a new social consensus over the principles and importance of HIP using categoricalAbstraction and eventChemistry as an alternative to AI/Semantic Web work.  But we also hope to develop clear thought regarding difficult issues.


Ontologystream Inc has moved into a minimal expenditure mode where only a few things will be supported, but the web site and the manual development of the bead threads will continue for the next months, through the summer at least.


Planning for the National Educational Project will develop within the threads of the Bead Games. 


Membership in BCNGroup, or gifts are appreciated


Please circulate the discussion beads, and make contributions in the form of emails to the bead game portal, or as discussion threads in a normal e-forum which Nathan has re-established at { BCNGroup discussion forum }.  These contributions do not require membership.  Membership is simply a way that individuals can help, in small ways, pay for the web site. 


Consistent with the three fundamental beads on the bead game


(1) ... (2) ... (3)


we will edit and post communications – often omitting the name of the author. 


Comments to   portal@ontologystream.com