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3/10/2004 9:22 AM


On the use of moral branding philosophy


We examine the moral problems related to the replacement of current advertising practices with product branding philosophy and memetic empowering technologies (MET).


This note is exploratory on a number of issues including:


1.0: The use of link analysis to map transactions that indicate the spread of information

1.1: Measuring the spread of rumors and negative information that companies or individuals may wish to address using legal means

1.2: Measuring the social discourse to identify unhealthy behavior

1.2.1: The definition of what is unhealthy has been confused partially so that porn, spam, false advertising and other information can escape regulation. The social harm caused by porn, spam and false advertising is immeasurable Confusion is only one harm, but form this confusion comes many secondary harms

1.2.2: A positive definition of what is healthy behavior is inhibited by some religious concerns that place an objective examination of sin and crime outside secular judgment. This is regarded (by religious groups) as a matter for religious judgment, and various religious groups will not agree on exactly what the judgment should be. (Some make the judgment that) the confusion can be eliminated only by a moral scientific judgment that is allowed to examine social practice for consequences within a secular theory of healthy behavior.

2.0: The objective measurement of the quality of information technology

2.1: Information technology has a weak foundation in social science, and yet this weak foundation derives support from various paradigms in mathematics and physical science.

2.1.1: The mathematical sciences have adequate warnings about the problems over consistency and completeness, but these warnings are not heeded in most shallow (popular) information about mathematics and science.

2.1.2: A scholarly literature exists that allow the development of an extension to Hilbert’s view of formalism to a mathematics that addresses the open nature of complex physical processes.  This literature points out that scientific reductionism has been shown (by natural science) to be limited, and specifies new formal work that does take into account the complex nature of natural processes.

2.2: Memetic measurement is something often marginalized by the current intellectual authorities

2.2.1: Vested interests control the economic game

2.2.2: A transition into a new economic game is inhibited by social philosophy of various specific types

2.2.3: The potential economic and social value to understanding hidden value chains and processes associated with production and consumption of products is so great that eventually the old game will be displaced and the new game will become dominate. This is likely to occur suddenly as producers of goods shift suddenly to moral-base branding philosophies.  This shift could accompany a larger shift of social attitudes and economic renewal. Moral-based branding philosophies will adopt a light of day policy to capture customer trust and market share.

3.0:  Memetic inhibition on expressing moral judgment

3.1: Many individuals, who otherwise are thoughtful individuals, will demonize anyone who suggests that moral judgments about advertising can be based on objective criterion.

3.2: This inhibition is to a large extent what allows the current confusion to exists over the advertising of additive products, and over advertising of products that are falsely portrayed.

3.3:  The system has supported this in complex ways because of the power of money to influence the system, but also because of the confusion that has always existed on these issues.




Discussion at: BCNGroup Bead Game