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Communication from Arel Lucas, to comments from Paul Prueitt

(comments linked from the indicators “(*)” where * is an integer)


2/1/2004 3:06 PM


Dear fellow scholars,


I realize that I'm jumping into the middle of something, and that this behavior might be ill-mannered, ignorant and useless, but I keep hearing about this stream from my husband Keith Henson, and, as the inventor of the word "memetics," I feel it's possible I might have something to say.   (1) On ownership


In the first place, I've heard that someone on this list has been defining "meme" as a "catalytic indexical" (if that's the correct spelling--if it isn't I can't find a definition).  I disagree on both counts, assuming that I understand the definitions involved.   (2) On the use of the term “catalytic indexical”


"Catalytic" I take in the chemical sense, as "Pertaining to or causing catalysis," which is from the Greek word for "dissolve," or more anciently, to "loose down," "the causing or accelerating of a chemical change by the addition of a substance . . . which is not permanently affected by the reaction." (The New Century Dictionary, 1946).  (I apologize for the HTML.  I really should shut it off.  If it makes this hard to read and you're interested enough to want a plain text copy, I can send one.

"Indexical" I take in the WordNet sense,




essentially pertaining either to (1) an index, or (2) a fact or assertion.


(3) On the notion of catalytic as a cross scale mechanism

(4) On combining cross scale mechanisms and stability of categorical type at two level of organizations


Here are the two counts:  (1)  Catalytic:  I agree that causing or accelerating chemical change is essential to the definition of the action of memes on the brain.  However, a catalyst is not permanently affected by the reaction it causes.  This is where I disagree.  It leaves out the evolutionary aspect that is the basis of the definition of the word "meme" and the reason for the creation of the concept by Dawkins, an evolutionary scientist.  When a hemoglobin molecule catalyzes oxygen reactions, it temporarily changes shape but does not keep that shape after the reaction is over.  If it changes shape permanently, it does so in response to damage, ontogeny or phylogeny, but not in response to the reaction.  In that case, it either changes or cannot catalyze the reaction it typically facilitates.  A meme is not like hemoglobin.  It is more like oxygen.  Memes are capable of mutation and dissemination in and from each brain that receives them.  They can also stop right there and cause no reaction at all (an essentially Buddhist or Zen response in the rare case where it is not the result of an ineffective meme or ignorance, indifference or genetically based dissociation on the part of the receiving brain).

(5) On the confusion that the meme metaphor creates


Count Two:  A meme is not a fact or assertion.  Nor is it an adjective (as is "indexical").  I think the definition of meme has by this time absorbed those of "culturgen" and other "idea-related" concepts of evolving information patterns that affect brains and cause behaviors.  Nor does a meme pertain to any sort of index.  I have been an indexer, and I can assure you that all ideas or memes on the planet have not been indexed.  At the point when I began to work on one, there was no publicly available thesaurus of semiconductors--and still might not be one.  I produced one with several thousand words for Applied Materials, a private company, and they copyrighted it.  I only got started.  And that was just one field, bordered by physics on the one hand and industrial processes on the other, with a dimension of social organization.  A lot of definitions have been offered for memes, and I've defined it in various ways at different times, but "facts" or "assertions" have no legitimate place in these definitions, because "facts" have absolutely nothing to do with the way the brain works, and little to do with information (especially defined in physics and engineering).


(6) On “evolving information patterns that affect brains and cause behavior”


<edited… to remove a second topic of discussion>


Ah, memes!



Arel Lucas