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3/8/2004 10:12 AM





There seems to be a fundamental difference we need to acknowledge first between natural physical (including biological) systems, engineered physical systems  and theoretical systems . Theoretical (scientific) systems are based on logic since they must be reproducible, analyzable and predictable. A specific logic system necessarily is restricted to a single logic domain, defined by an axiom (theory), from which deductions and decompositions can be made using logic rules. As long as theoretical systems are isolated (abstracted) from interactions with other theoretical systems (i.e. other logic domains set by different theories) as their environment, they remain predictable. Based on such theoretical systems, physical machines can be constructed as engineered physical systems. Such an isolated, mono-logic system I would call a “mechanism”.


Physical systems in general cannot be completely isolated from their environment, however. As a result, many (n-) logic domains interact with a given physical system as forces or logics. The behaviour of a physical system therefore cannot be described as a pure mechanism except in an idealized way. This still allows us to build engineered physical systems, but it also means that all engineered physical systems eventually age, break down and deteriorate. They are never fully analyzable, predictable or not even exactly reproducible. I suggest to call systems where different logic domains intersect as “complex”. { + } Complexity cannot be fully analyzed (logically decomposed into all interacting logic domains) because even finite numbers of domains create infinite interacting effects. We can only “intuitively” understand complex systems and describe them in a reductionist way by reducing the number of domains and effects.


Biological systems can be seen as natural physical systems which make use of this “polylogic” condition as bio-chemical reactor or engine that provides them with certain neg-entropic self-dynamics instead of the only re-active and dynamics of engineered physical systems and entropic dynamics of non-living natural physical systems.


I see two fundamental approaches to the problem:


-          When using only one domain of logic in the description (mapping) of a complex system, we reduce it qualitatively to an idealized mechanism or theoretical systems.


-          Using more than one domain of logic in a description requires new architectures of  mapping several logic domains into a domain, where the integration does not lead to a qualitative reduction (under one axiom as root of one domain), but respects and differentiates independent logic domains. Such an architecture has been called “rhizomatic”, “polylogic” or “poly-hierarchic”.


The latter approach is also reductionist in that it must limit the number of domains to whatever is physically computable. But this reductionism is quantitative, not qualitative. The resulting system is still complex, not just complicated.


Since logic is the only computable approach available to us, this is probably the closest we can come in mapping and abstracting complex systems. Human thinking as a combination of intuition and logic seems to be using a similar approach: Intuition allows us to see patterns as result of complex interactions and to produce (usually by analogy) theories and axioms that establish logic domains where logic deduction can then be applied.


Our dominant (Western) cultures have emphasized logic and have failed to develop methods to combine logic domains to allow systematic or even artificial intuition based on the patterns of intersecting logic domains. This has nevertheless enabled us to build extremely complicated mechanisms and industrialize our economies. While Eastern cultures have based their thinking more on intuition and polylogic (Yin and Yang), they have – probably for that reason and at least for a long time - not been able to exploit as well the potential of mechanism and engineered physical systems. But as can be seen in medicine and other fields, both approaches have merit and can deliver solutions, especially when dealing with complexity.


In a globalized future where complexity and polylogic interactions become more and more vital not only in natural sciences and engineering, but also in social relations, a combined approach could be valuable.


There are now new methods and tools available to map complexity into polylogic architectures and thus combine the two worlds of complexity and mechanism. This will allow us to build complex engineered physical systems that share some of the fundamental characteristics of natural physical systems. Cognition is one of these characteristics.


Peter Krieg