Chapter 12
Knowledge Technologies and the Asymmetric Threat
Section 1: Demand-side Knowledge
Process Management
methodology allows the measurement of world wide social discourse on a daily
basis. General systems properties and
social issues involved in the adoption of this methodology are outlined in this
paper. Technical issues related to
logic, mathematics and natural science are touched on briefly. A full treatment requires an extensive
background in mathematics, logic, computer theory and human factors.
building and community transformation have always involved complex processes
that are instantiated from the interactions of humans in the form of social
discourse. Knowledge management models
of these processes involve components that are structured around lessons
learned and lessons encoded into long-term educational processes. As a precursor to our present circumstance,
for example, the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) methodologies provide for
AS-IS models and TO-BE frameworks. Over
the past several decades, additional various knowledge management disciplines
have been developed and taught within the many knowledge management
certification programs. However, human
knowledge management at the level of individual empowerment has not generally
been part of the BPR methodology or knowledge management certification
New methodology allows the
measurement of world wide social discourse on a daily basis. General systems properties and social
issues involved in the adoption of this methodology are outlined in this paper.
Figure 1: Experimental system
producing polling like output
complex interior of the individual human is largely unaccounted for in
measuring the thematic structure of social discourse. But the individual is where demand for social reality has its
primary origin. So something has been
missing. What is missing is something
that is missing from information technology.
What is missing in information technology systems is the available
science on social expression and individual experience. Why individual variation in response
patterns, for example, is not being accommodated by information technology is
due to many factors. Some of these are
technical issues related to limitations in design agility, and some of these
are related to the nature of formal systems themselves.
in light of these limitations, we have to be reminded that human tacit
knowledge expression occurs in human dialog, even if the fidelity of this
expression is some times low and sometimes high. Natural language is NOT a formal system. Yes, abstraction is used in spoken language;
but a reliance on pointing and non-verbal expression helps to bring the
interpretation of meaning into a pragmatic axis that exists within the
discussion, as it occurs and is experienced.
Written language then extends a capability to point at the non-abstract,
using language signs, to what is NOT said but is experienced. Human social interaction has evolved to
support the level of understanding that is needed for living humans, within
culture, to form social constructs. But
computer based information systems have so far failed to represent human tacit
knowledge, even though computer networks now support billons of individual
human communicative acts, per day, via e-mail and collaborative
is a mismatch between human social interaction and computers. How is the mismatch to be understood? We suggest that the problem be understood in
the light of a specific form of complexity theory.
science is a subset of mathematics, and mathematics is expressed in formal systems. The near future holds an evolution of
mathematics that is similar to the weakening of category theory by the use of
rough sets, and the weakening of logic by quasi-axiomatic logic. These evolutions move in the direction of a
stratification of formal systems into complexity theory. A number of open questions face this
evolution, including the re-resolution of notions of non-finite, the notion of
an axiom, and the development of the understanding of human induction (seen as
a means to "step away from" the formal system and observe the real
world directly).
is via this weakening of constructs lying within the foundations of logic and
mathematics that an extension of the field of mathematics opens the way to a
new computer science. But as this happens,
we must always guard against allowing computer science to make claims about
such things as "formal semantics" and "machine
awareness". Why? Because computer science is based on
categorical abstractions - which when confused to be the same as objects that
exists in physical reality leads to error.
Computer science has a proper place, and should remain in its place and
not compete as if it were a natural science.
The “artificial intelligence” failure can be viewed, and often is, as
simply because humans have not yet understood how to develop the right types of
computer programs. This viewpoint is an
important viewpoint that has lead to interesting work on computer
representation of human and social knowledge.
However, we take the viewpoint that a representation of knowledge is an
abstraction and does not have the physical nature required as an “experience”
of knowledge. The fact that humans
experience knowledge so easily may lead us to expect that knowledge can be experienced
by an abstraction. And we may even
forget that the computer program, running on hardware, is doing what it is
doing based on a machine reproduction of abstract states. These machine states are Markovian, a mere
mathematical formalism. By this, we
mean that the states have no dependency on the past or the future; except as
specified in the abstractions that the state is an instantiation of.
There is no dependency on the laws of physics either, except as encoded
into other abstractions. This fact
separates computer science and natural science.
The tri-level architecture, developed by Prueitt in
the mid 1990s, attempts to model the relationship between memory of the past,
and awareness of the present, and the anticipation of the future. However, once this machine architecture is
in place, we still will be working with abstraction and not a physical
realization of (human) memory or anticipation.
Optical computing or quantum computing may change this, but these
“stratified” computational systems are not well understood as yet.
Stratification seems to matter, and may help on issues
of consistency and completeness, the Godel issues in formal foundations to
logic. Already connectionism models of
biological intelligence have realized some aspects of the tri-level
architecture. But the clean separation
of memory functions and anticipatory functions allows one to bring the
experimental neuroscience and the cognitive science into play. For example, memory and anticipatory systems
are being modeled as separately caused by interactions with a world, external
to the computer program. Awareness binds parts of these systems together in a
present moment, having a physical and pragmatic axis.
This external, to the computer, world is not an abstraction. The measurement of the physical world
results in abstraction; in the tri-level architecture the measurement of
invariance is used to produce a finite class of categorical Abstractions (cA).
These cA atoms have relationships that are expressed together in patterns and
these patterns are then expressed in correspondence to some aspects of the
measured events. The cA atoms are the
building blocks of events, or at least the abstract class that can be developed
by looking at many instances of events of various types.
Anticipation is then regarded as expressed in event chemistries and
these chemistries are encoded in a quite different type of abstraction similar
in nature to natural language grammar.
argue that the development of categorical abstraction and the viewing of
abstract models of social events, called “event chemistry”, are essential to
the protection of national security.
Distributed community processes are supporting asymmetric threats to
American national security and to the security of other nation states.
is a national obligation to develop response mechanisms to these threats. The response must start with proper and clear
intelligence about the event structures that are being expressed in the
social world. Human sharing of tacit
knowledge must lie at the foundation of these response mechanisms. Maturity and principle must guide our use of
this foundation.
the difference between computer-mediated knowledge exchanges and human
discourse in the “natural” setting is critically important to finding a measure
of security within a social world that has been changed by globalization. One of our challenges is due to advances in
warfare capabilities, including the existence of weapons of mass
destruction. Another obvious challenge
is due to the existence of the Internet and other forms of communication
systems. Economic globalization and the
distribution of goods and services presents yet another set of challenges that
delineate the present and the future from the past. If the world social system is to be healthy, it is necessary that
these security issues be managed.
models, to be derived from the data mining of global social discourse, will
define a science that has deep roots in legal theory, category theory, logic,
and the natural sciences.
current natural security requirements demand that this science be synthesized
quickly from the available scholarship.
Within this new science, stratified logics will compute event
abstractions, at one scale of observation and event atom abstractions at a
second scale of observation. The atom abstractions are themselves derived from
polling and data mining processes in order to create the abstractions.
Developing a stratification of information into two layers of analysis.
The first layer is the set of individual polling results or the
individual text placed into social discourse.
In real time, and as trended over time, categorical abstraction is
developed based on the repeated patterns within word structure. Polling methodology and machine learning
algorithms are used.
The second layer is a derived aggregation of patterns that are analyzed
to infer the behavior of social collectives and to represent the thematic
structure of opinions. Drilling down
into the specific information about, or from, specific individuals will require
government analysts to make a conscious step and thus the very act of drilling
down from the abstract layer to the specific informational layer is an enforceable
legal barrier that stands in protection of Constitutional Rights.
the recognition of human privacy rights, what will bring human tacit experience
more easily into distributed community processes? This issue of tacit knowledge is a core challenge to knowledge
management methodology and technology.
But for this paper, the context is the natural security.
science/technology is needed to “see” the private knowledge of events that lead
to or support terrorism? Perhaps, we
need something that stands in for natural language? Linguistic theory tells us that language use is not reducible to
the algorithms expressed in computer science.
But if “computers” are to be a mediator of social discourse, must not
the type of knowledge representation be more structured than human
language? What can we do?
answer to the question of degree of structure is the most critical inquiry that
technologists and scientists must develop a consensus about. According to our viewpoint, the computer
does not have tacit knowledge to disambiguate natural language, in spite of
several decades of effort to create knowledge technologies that have “common sense”. Based on principled argument grounded in
quantum neurodynamics, a community of natural scientists has argued that the
computer will not have tacit knowledge because tacit knowledge is something
experienced by humans. Our claim is
that there is no known way to fully and completely encode tacit knowledge into
rigidly structured standard relational databases. A large body of experimental
work in the natural sciences suggests that computers alone, no matter the
funding level, cannot do this.
work around for this quandary is suggested in terms of a Differential Ontology
Framework (DOF) that has an open loop architecture showing critical dependency
on human sensory and cognitive acuity.
Differential Ontology Framework (technical section)
are not now, and likely will never be cognitive in the same way as humans
are. However, the notion that
cognitive-like processes might be developed has brought some interesting
results. At the core of the solutions
that are been, or are likely to soon be, made available is a class of the
machine-encoded dictionaries, taxonomies and what are often called
ontologies. While encoded dictionaries,
taxonomies and ontologies are often referred to as knowledge representation,
one has to be careful to point out that knowledge is “experienced” and that
these computer data structures are experienced only when observed by a
human. Some experts in the field
express the notion that computers do or will experience, and this is the
so-called strong AI position.
rejection of strong AI opens up an understanding that knowledge definition,
experience and propagation requires a greater degree of agility and
understanding by users of the processes that have been developed by the strong
AI community over the past 50 years.
There has been a failure to communicate.
strong AI community, on the other hand, should eventually come to support the
principled arguments made in the quantum neuroscience community. Quantum neuroscience has an extensive
literature that reports on issues related to human memory, awareness and
anticipation. This literature is
referenced in a separate technology volume, simply because the purpose of this
paper is to develop concepts not to provide what should be a complete citation
of the literature (as opposed to a very partial citation that might be
misleading.) However, we point out that
the quantum neuroscience literature addresses the question of how things happen
and in doing so this literature challenges classical Newtonian physics as a
model of natural complexity.
The cause of events has a
demand and a supply component.
Demand-side knowledge process management can be used to create
machine-encoded ontologies. These
formal constructs, that are the states of computer programs, are constructions
that exist in two forms, implicit and explicit. Implicit constructs are defined as proper continuum
mathematics. The constructs of
continuum mathematics are represented on the computer in a discrete form. The discrete form of implicit ontology has
the benefit of the precision of the embedded formal continuum mathematics, seen
in mathematical topology, mathematical analysis. Demand is a holonomic, e.g., a distributed, constraint like
gravity and so a distributed representation is needed. The continuum mathematics provides the
distributed representation that the computer “cannot” provide by itself.
An explicit ontology, on the
other hand, is in the form of a dictionary or perhaps a graph structure. The constructs of explicit ontology are
expressed as discrete mathematics, graph theory, number theory, and predicate
logics. The interface between discrete
mathematics and continuum mathematics has never been easy, so one should not
expect that the relationship between implicit and explicit ontology be easy
either. However, a formal theory of
by-pass has been developed, by Prueitt, which shows a relationship between
number base conversions, data schema conversions, and quasi-axiomatic theory
First-order predicate logics
are often developed over the set of tokens in some of the explicit ontology
that exists, for example by using a standard resource description framework
(RDF). Value is derived, and yet these
ontologies with their logics suffer from the limitations of explicit enumeration
and relational logics. This limitation
is expressed in the Gödel theorems on completeness and consistency in formal
logics [2] as well as in other literatures.
By-pass theory is designed to manage this problem.
The bottom line is that high
quality knowledge experience and propagation within communities needs the human
to make certain types of judgments. But
the methodology for human interaction with these structures is largely missing,
and is certainly not known by most of those who need now to use these
structures for national intelligence vetting.
We introduced the term
“Differential Ontology” to talk about a human mediated process of acquiring
implicit ontology from the analysis of data.
Figure 1: Differential Ontology Framework
By the expression “Differential
Ontology” we choose to mean the interchange of structural information
between Implicit (machine-based) Ontology and Explicit (machine-based)
Implicit Ontology we mean an attractor neural network system or one of
the variations of latent semantic indexing.
These are continuum mathematics and have an infinite storage capability.
Explicit Ontology we mean an bag of ordered triples { < a , r, b > }, where a and b are
locations and r is a relational type, organized into a graph structure, and
perhaps accompanied by first order predicate logic.
The differential ontology
framework uses implicit ontologies now found in stochastic and latent semantic
indexing “spaces” and derives a more structured form of dictionary type
ontology. The class of process
transformations between implicit and explicit forms of machine ontology is to
be found in various places. For
example, we have seen market anticipation in the large number of automated
taxonomy products that are appearing in the marketplace. However, we claim that the notion of
deriving explicit ontology from implicit ontology is an original
Within the explicit ontology
there are localized topics. These
localized topic representations “sit’ by themselves. In the implicit ontology
the information is distributed like gravitational wells are in physical
space. Move anything and everything
changes; sometimes only minutely and sometimes catastrophically. The perturbations of representation are then
formally seen as an example of a deterministically chaotic system. Natural systems may or may not be
deterministic, and thus the argument is that formal chaos is not the same as
the process seen in the emergence of natural systems in the setting of real
physical systems. Neural network type
attractor manifolds is an early form of the implicit ontology. But now we have also genetic algorithms, the
generalization of genetic algorithms in the form of evolutionary programming
and other mathematical constructs. The
tuning of these systems to the physical reality is thus of major
consideration. This tuning is not a
done-once for-all-time task. As the
world changes, the tuning of implicit ontology must change also. How is this to be done?
Moving between these
implicit and explicit forms of machine ontology "state gesture
mechanisms" can be attached to topic constructs, whether distributed or
localized, using new type of “stratified” architecture [4-6] that is grounded
in cognitive neuroscience, specifically in the experimental work on memory and
selective attention [7,8]. The
stratified architecture has multiple levels of organization, expressed as an
implicit or explicit, continuum or finite, state machine, in which within each
level certain rules and processes are defined.
Cross level interaction
often MUST involve non-algorithmic [9] movement within the state spaces. Thus a human, who CAN perform
non-algorithmic inference, is necessary if the over all differential ontology
system is to stay in tune with the external complex world. This means that implicit and explicit
formalism is NOT sufficient without real time human involvement. A state gesture mechanism drives the
information around that part of the system that lives in the computer, but the
demand for this supply comes from within private personal introspection,
perception and decision-making by humans.
Again, our viewpoint seeks to return responsibility, for control actions
in the world, to the human and push away the notion that the crisp and precise
states within computer information systems can reasonably be managed outside of
this responsibility.
gesture mechanisms allow the machine ontologies to be “assistant-to” human
decision making. The mechanism is not a
closed formalism or an information technology, but rather an intellectual
framework with stratified theory and cognitive neuroscience as the framework’s
grounding [10].
architecture, and design of a related applied semiotics theory developed by
Pospelov and his colleagues [11], the state gesture mechanism itself is deemed
largely subjective. This means that the
mechanism is not reducible to algorithms.
A ‘second order’ cybernetic system is required that is primarily
controlled by direct human intervention.
So the machine ontologies are required to be sub-servant to a human
knowledge experience process. The
details of the machine ontologies are visible as reminders or signed informants
within a sign system or natural language.
It is for this reason that one can call this a knowledge operating
Elements of
micro-ontologies, that are formative within the moment, act as signs about the
knowledge process that are regularly occurring in social networks. The differential ontology framework requires
a human interaction with these signs.
That is the Demand side.
Ontologies are streamed using formatted micro-ontologies from point to
point in the knowledge ecosystem resident to the community of practice. This is the Supply side.
A computational mirror of
the state gesture mechanism is also “assistant-to” the location where
information is moved within the enterprise.
So the mechanism acts as an automated reporting and assessment
technology. This assistance has great
value to social and economic processes.
Productivity goes up. Social
value goes up. The fidelity of
knowledge representation goes up.
Return on investment goes up.
Responsibility can, and
should, be assigned exactly where responsibility is situated. This is true, in particular, where
Constitutional rights to privacy are involved.
A knowledge operating system, such as the Knowledge Sharing Foundation,
can provide complete transparence to all instances where a human examines
private knowledge.
As an example, an evocative
question can be answered in various ways.
The answers made are part of a natural language generation capability
that involves the emergence of word structure from a mental experience. This emergence must involve a human
awareness, and the action of requesting the computer supporting processes can
be a trigger to reporting mechanisms about the inspection of private
information. This the barrier to
inspection is transparent.
The structure of
differential ontology mediated communication allows a mechanical roll-up of the
information into one of several technologies for natural language generation
from semi-structured information.
However, the process is formally underdetermined, and some constraints
must be imposed during the construction of the natural language response. One sees the same situation as the
mathematics of the wave functions in quantum mechanics. The formal mechanism for “collapsing the
wave” and realizing locality cannot be derived from the classical notions, and
perhaps cannot be derived at all in a single formal system (having both
completeness and consistency). Many
post-modern scholars of physics have equated this problem with the notion of
finding a single unified theory of everything [14].
micro-ontologies represent the first of a new generation of more complete
(supply side plus demand side) knowledge process management paradigms. Machine based ontologies generate natural
language that communicates to users in a way that is familiar. This drives knowledge sharing in a new
What is surprising about
this vision is that it is NOT the popular Artificial Intelligence vision of the
future. The “real” future brings the
human more fully into contact with other humans within what is essentially a
Many to Many (M2M) communication device.
3: Many to many
The television industry is a
one to many communications device. One
community, having some diversity within the group, uses the television to
express that group’s views of the world.
There is a well-defined community boundary, having a complex interior
and community membership. The community
is diverse but nevertheless, the group represents one type of person. There is something in common within the
group. The commonality is not something
that is always recognized. It is organically evolved as a general system
property rather then by the explicit intent of those who choose to be a member
of this community. Communities have “autopoietic”
structural coupling, in the sense defined by Maturana and Varela [13],
reinforced by the economic system and by the limitations of the television
itself. Specific structural coupling
has formed, again organically, due to the presentation aspect of television
where one group develops media and then markets this product in a
The television is not the
only one to many communication device.
Books and radio industries also have specific structural coupling that
reinforces a presentation of viewpoint within a marketplace. One might think that writing a book is
something that anyone can do, and if the book is a good book then other people
will read the book. However, this
common perception does not account for the barriers to entry that the book
industry has organically evolved. Other
one to many communication is under attack from many quarters and for many
reasons. Command and control
institutions (such as the Cold War type military organizations, and media
outlet industries) have a natural resistance to these attacks. However, these institutions must meet the
present challenge by renewal and by adoption of general systems thinking and
American has a strong
multi-cultural identity, as well as a treasured political renewal mechanism
(e.g., the Presidential elections every four years). Thus the reinforcement of multi-cultural social theory seems the
likely consequence of the current challenges from fundamentalism as expressed
in reductionist science, and in religious and economic fundamentalism. Fundamentalism does not have a renewal
mechanism, as the history of religions shows.
Specific ignorance and specific mythology is held onto in spite of
contrary evidence. Deeper values
related to spiritual beliefs are more complex and are, likely, renewed within the
private sphere of individual self-image.
But social structures, churches and religious institutions, tend to not
Asymmetric threat comes from
non-government organizations.
Challenges emerge from these social systems because this social system
serves some purpose that the nation states do not serve. However, in the countries of the Third
World, the basic needs of individuals are often perverted by hunger, economic
injury and cultural insult [15].
Understanding the diverse opinions of non-governmental social systems is
thus the single most important response that the United States Administration
can make to the challenge of reducing the causes of terrorism.
It is natural that the
social origins of asymmetric threats will use new forms of many to many
communication in order to attack the vulnerabilities of a system where a large
number of social organizations has organically developed around the economic
value of one to many communications systems.
Developing agility and fidelity to defense information systems is the
strongest defense to these asymmetric threats.
This defense strategy applies to asymmetric information warfare, as well
as to the infrastructures that support mainstream command and control
In the 20th
century, many subsystems of the economic order have developed economic
structural coupling to organically developed one to many technology. The shift to many to many communications
tools is then essential, and yet inhibited.
This enigma must be sorted out.
The differential ontology
framework enables processes, which have one to many structural coupling, to
make a transition to a many to many technology. This is where the enigma is most fully seen. The asymmetric threat is using many to one
activity, loosely organized by the hijacking of Islam for private hatred and
grief. It is a new form of the “people
arise to over throw the unjust government”.
The defense to this threat is the development of many to many
communication systems, and the related notion of categorical abstraction and
event chemistry.
The many to many
technologies allow relief from the stealth that many to one is given from the
perception of a fully developed and mature economically reinforced system
having one to many mechanisms. The
relief comes when machine mediation allows the formation of differential
ontology as a means to represent, in the abstract, the discussion being made by
organically self identified social structure.
This representation is done via the development and algorithmic interaction
of human structured knowledge artifacts.
The evolution of user
structured knowledge artifacts in knowledge ecosystems must be validated by
community perception of that structure.
In this way the interests of communities is established through a
private to public vetting of perception.
Knowledge validation occurs as private tacit knowledge becomes
public. The relief from the asymmetric
threat evolves because a computer-mediated formation of a defense community
structure is facilitated and once this community structure exists in this form,
communication traffic analysis provides selective attention to most of the
threatening events from non-governmental entities. For example, a new social community cannot form outside of the
perceptional field of pre-existing communities that already have established
structural coupling within well-defined economic entities. National
surveillance systems have a way to see the threat.
The validation of artifacts
leads to structured community knowledge production processes and these
processes differentiate into the three levels of economic processes [16]. However, the validation process can be
addressed unwisely.
4: The role of Communities
of Practice
Individual humans, small
coherent social units, and business ecosystems are all properly regarded as
complex systems embedded in other complex systems. Understanding how events unfold in this environment is not easy.
Schema independent data
representation is required to capture the salient information within implicit
ontologies. The class of latent semantic index techniques is one class of
examples of representation of information without a database schema; see the
topic map standard [11].
The current standards often
ignores certain difficult aspects of the complex environment and attempts to:
between models and the perceived ideal system state, or
models with an anticipation of process engineering and change management
bridging the difference between the model and reality.
The new knowledge science
changes this dynamic by allowing individuals to add and subtract from a common
knowledge base composed of topic / question hierarchies supported within the
differential ontology framework. The software
enterprise is hidden from the user in two ways. First, a community process validates the formation of the core
knowledge base. This is a social
experience, not a technology. The core
knowledge base consists of reusable components which have the form of topic /
question pairs within a hierarchical ontology.
Second, the knowledge base is used via a simple viewer/controller that
works through web browsers.
The technology becomes
transparent and does so because information technology has matured and been
refined and made a ubiquitous and stable commodity.
This presentation will close
as we address a specific conceptual knot and untie it by separating issues
related to natural language use.
Language and linguistics are relevant to our work for three reasons.
First, the new knowledge technologies are an extension to natural
spoken languages. The technology
reveals itself within a community as a new form of social communication.
Second, we are achieving the establishment of knowledge ecosystems
using peer-to-peer ontology streaming.
Natural language and the ontologies serve a similar purpose. However the ontologies are specialized
around virtual communities existing within an Internet culture. Thus ontology streaming represents an
extension of the phenomenon of naturally occurring language.
Third, the terminology used in various disciplines is often not
adequate for interdisciplinary discussion.
Thus we reach into certain schools of science, into economic theory and
into business practices to find bridges between these disciplines. This work on interdisciplinary terminology
is kept in the background, as there are many difficult challenges that remain
not properly addressed. To assist in understanding this issue, general systems
theory is useful.
These issues are in a context. Within this context, we make a distinction
between computer computation, language systems, and human knowledge events. The
distinction opens the door to certain theories about the nature of human
thought. Through a body of theory one can ground a formal notation defining
data structures that store and allow the manipulation of topical taxonomies and
related resources existing within the knowledge base. Establishing the knowledge sciences will do this.
In Summary: The differential ontology framework consists of
knowledge units and auxiliary resources used in report generation and trending
analysis. The new knowledge science
specifically recognizes that the human mind binds together topics of a
knowledge unit. The new knowledge
science holds that the computer cannot do this binding for us. The knowledge science reflects this
reality. The rules of how cognitive
binding occurs are not captured into the data structure of the knowledge unit,
as this is regarded as counter to the differential ontology framework. The human remains central to all knowledge
events, and the relationship that a human has with his or her environment is
taken into account. The individual
human matters, always.
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